monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Monday morning, early

Hmm, what did I do all day yesterday? Well, I went to church in the morning and it was okay. Kim wore the new skirt and chinese-y looking top we got last week, and she asked me to make a bun with her hair so she could put a chopstick through it. I'm not the greatest bun-maker in the world, although you would think I would be after years of taking kids to ballet classes, but I finally managed to make one that stayed in and she was very cute.

I've been sleeping all night this weekend, which is a rare treat. Usually when I have a weekend off I have a hard time sleeping at night, but this has been good.

Last night I started re-reading The Sirens Sang of Murder by Sarah Caudwell and I'm really enjoying it, but it's a paperback and I can't read and knit at the same time because it doesn't stay open on my lap. So I'm not getting as much knitting done, but I'm sure my tendinitis could use a rest anyway.

I worked on the Rainbow Lace socks for Ruthann all during church yesterday and got a couple of inches done. They really are pretty. I made them a little bigger around the ankle than the pattern called for because she has big ankles. I might need to decrease stitches when I get down to the foot, because her feet are just regular sized, but I'm not sure. I usually make socks that are 8 inches around, and these are about 10 inches around. I only wanted to increase them by one pattern repeat, but I had to increase two pattern repeats to make the pattern work. I should measure them, huh? I'll do that today.

Did I mention that I gave Candace her baby sweater without any buttons?!!? I had it with me when I went to visit her in the hospital yesterday and I pulled it out of my bag to show it to her, and joked about her mother sewing on the buttons, and then she just folded it up and kept it. I usually at least give people a card of buttons, even if I don't sew them on (and sometimes I even sew them on!), but I didn't buy the buttons for it yet.

I made miso soup last night. It was...interesting. I had a bowl of it, with the disgusting cardboard-flavored noodles, and I thought it was interesting but not what you would call delicious. Kim fell in love with it and ate about 4 bowls. Go fig. I don't think Rich ever had any of it, the big sissy.

6:47 a.m. - 2003-05-26


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