monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Why I hate my life today

Why am I at work on my day off, you ask? Well that would be because Leslie is a big pain in the ass who is sick. I hate her. Too bad she is just so sweet and nice, because I would really like to hate her for being a big pain in the ass and just being too damn sick to work. It's always something - her boyfriend has to go to Kuwait (but it was really Wisconsin) or she gets blurred vision and nausea from her acne medication or she gets sick from eating a bad brat at a Memorial Day picnic.

So I have been up since 6 a.m. and just went to sleep at 9:30 but she called at 10:15 to see if I could work. The hell? She didn't decide she was sick until 10:15?

Never mind, I don't want to just sit and fume about it all night.

So I came to work and I was reading the journals that I read when I get to work every night, and I was laughing OUT LOUD at Gwen's illustrated stories on her website at - I love the name of her blog, too, and I wish I had thought of it first!

Then I went to Hotmail to send an email to Diana to tell her to read Gwen's page, and I found there a very funny and bitter letter from my son in Canada. I was feeling a little sad about not getting a letter from him again today, because I didn't get one last Monday when they had some trucho holiday in Canada, so I was really feeling sorry for myself not to get one again today, but woot! He sent it to my Hotmail account because I had written him from there. I'll post it to his Missionaryworld website tomorrow.

So my life stinks, but I had a couple of good laughs at work tonight, and I feel slightly better.

3:36 a.m. - 2003-05-27


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