monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Knitting for dogs and old ladies

After all my complaining about tiredness and lack of sleep last night, did I go home and sleep all day? No, I did not. I woke up at 11:30 and couldn't go back to sleep.

I got up and went to the kitchen to forage for food, but there was no bread for eggs and toast (and I can't eat eggs without toast), there was no syrup for the frozen pancakes (Someone needs to go grocery shopping at my house.) - so I called Ruthann to see if she wanted to go out for breakfast. She said she would bring lunch over and she showed up with lots of food! She had made a salad, brought leftover Chicken Devine, and stuff to make strawberry shortcake!

So we ate a big lunch and then went to the library, where I checked out every book they had by Jane Smiley. One of her books showed up on a list of someone's 5 favorite books of all time, so I looked her up and she has written a lot of books, and they are each very different from the others, so I thought I would read a few. One of them was a book I read a long time ago and liked a lot, so I knew she was a good writer, and the one I started today is pretty good, too.

Kim and Rich left at 4 to drive to Chicago for a youth temple trip, and I went back to bed. I slept until 10, and woke up to a very dark house. There were no lights on anywhere, since it was still light outside when Rich and Kim left, so I got up and turned on the lights, and found that they had left the back door open. The screen door was shut, but the inside door was open. Someone's Grandmother always told me that if you don't lock your doors, some man could come in and knock you on the head (a euphemism for something much worse).

Speaking of Someone's Grandmother, I got a short note from her today thanking me for the Mother's Day flowers, and *inviting* (a euphemism for something much worse) me to make a pair of socks for Shirley. Hello? I still haven't finished the dog sweater she ordered! (And Diana will be sending me that yarn to finish it any day now.)

I was thinking resentfully of being expected to knit everything in the world whenever Someone's Grandmother wants anything, but then I realized that it's a small price to pay to have her happily living with someone else this summer. I'll start those socks for Shirley tomorrow.

11:25 p.m. - 2003-05-27


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