monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It's the circle of life

I am having a really bad week. Really. It's just one damn thing after another.

Monday I had to come to work on my day off and stay up for 25 hours straight. Then last night, Tuesday, I scalded both hands taking a cup of hot soup out of the microwave at work, and had to spend the next 4 hours in significant pain, which required soaking my hands in ice water for relief. There was water all over and I was in so much pain that I think I was in shock. Billy No-mates called me at 5:30 a.m. to whine about his life, and told me he had some Tylenol in the drawer of his desk, and I put the phone down and ran to get some. At 6:00 I took a sleeping pill so that I could pass out as soon as I got home, knowing that when I woke up the pain would be gone. That's exactly what happened and I have some redness but the hurting is gone.

When I woke up, Rich had left a note that said he thought the dog had a bladder infection, so he had dropped a urine sample at the vet's office and also he had an appointment at the Saturn dealer in Rockford at 5, so he'd be late coming home.

At 3:30 the dog vomited in the living room, and I called Rich, swearing like a sailor and screaming abuse at him for letting that dog eat people food. Kim and I cleaned it up and I was so mad, I sprayed Febreeze in the dog's direction because I didn't have a gun.

At 4:30, the dog, who had been laying around looking pathetically listless all day, started making wierd moaning noises. Kim and I tried to get her to go outside to potty, but she wouldn't get up off the floor.

At 6:00 the dog was still moaning and also wheezing, so I called the Saturn dealer to see if Rich was still there and they said he left an hour ago. He showed up at home a few minutes later, and assured me that the vet said the vomiting, the diarhea and umm, something else, were probably the result of liver damage caused by the pain pills he prescribed for her arthritis.

I went to bed and napped for an hour or so and when I woke up, the dog was on the floor in the living room, moaning and breathing in a labored way.

So we all sat in the living room for the next couple of hours, watching TV and listening to the dog moaning. The moaning was getting louder and horrible by the time I left for work. I was upset, and so was Kim, and Rich was being all optimistic and I was glad to get out of there.

Before Rich got home, Kim told me she is okay about the dog dying because she knows that's the circle of life, but she feels bad because she knows Rich will be upset. Yeah, that's how I feel about it, too.

12:04 a.m. - 2003-05-29


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