monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Real women have Curves.

I drank a Diet Pepsi this morning at 5 a.m. so that I would be awake for a meeting at 7, but at 7 I just didn't feel like going, so I went home to bed. Oops, couldn't sleep! So then I took a sleeping pill and slept well all day until Kim woke me up at 3 to remind me that I was supposed to go to Curves at 3:30 for my orientation on the machines.

We went over there and it was more work than I thought it would be! You're only on each of the machines for 30 seconds, then you go to the next station, and you do the circuit 3 times, and by the end of it, I was working hard! I can tell I worked some muscles tonight and I hope I won't be sore tomorrow.

Kim took a book and sat on the couch to wait for me so that we could go from there to Rich's work picnic. Oh yes, I'm sure I was looking pretty, what with the Just Got Out of Bed look on top of the Just Got Done at the Gym look. It was fun, though, because it's a small company and they are all pleasant people.

Kim is reading The Hobbit now, having finished Little Women in about 3 days, which is pretty good for her. She seems to be enjoying summer vacation, but she hasn't tried to contact any of her friends. She's funny that way - she is just fine by herself and doesn't require anyone else around.

I'm reading The South Beach Diet. I just got it from, along with a DVD of The Chamber of Secrets. Maybe Kim and I can watch it tomorrow while Rich is at karate. That will be some quality knitting time.

I'm working on the Opal Cool Ocean sock #2 now, trying to finish it up so I can mail the pair to Sara by the end of the week. I'll send the dog sweater and the plain vanilla socks to Gma then, too.

12:05 a.m. - 2003-06-12


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