monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Same Bat time, same Bat place.

I was just looking at a euchre website, and it reminded me of how much fun it was when I used to play with Diana everyday. I wish I had enough kids at my house to play with me!

I came to work this afternoon to view a presentation on our new customer service program. I expected it to be a bore, but it was a little film on the Pikes Peak Fish Market, and it was fun to watch. Everyone left the meeting with a smile, and it made my day better.

Billy No-mates was pouting in his office, having refused to go to the meeting, and he left work in a snit before I got back. I talked to him later and he was being all miserable and whatnot so I invited him to go to the movies with us.

I wanted to see Finding Nemo, but Kim said she wanted to see Bruce Almighty, so we did. It was better than I expected, and I would have enjoyed it even more if there had been enough room in the seat for my big ass! We were in the (fairly) recently expanded part of the theater, and the three new theater viewing rooms are each about the size of my living room. I have never felt that squeezed in a movie seat before, so it must be part of the space-saving measures!

After the movie when we got home, I got a phone call from my brother Ed, reporting on the situation with Dad. I have to say, Ed is really doing a good job of handling things, and I'm glad he's taking care of it all.

Man, it's hard to understand him on the phone, though, and the fact that I am still using the crummy phone that Rich bought didn't help any. I really need to buy another phone. Lightening killed the good one a couple of weeks ago, and could I just get to the store and get a new phone? Apparently I am unable to actually DO anything. I have been making a list of things that I need to do, and it gets longer and I get none of them done. I have really got to get in gear.

I did go to Curves again today. Then I went home, stripped off my sweaty clothes in front of the washer and threw them in, along with all of my other dirty clothes that Kim hasn't been getting washed. She isn't really doing the laundry efficiently, so I think I'll have to take over and give her vacuuming to do instead. I had one clean pair of pants and an old shirt left to wear, but since I put the clothes in the dryer (and started a load of towels) before I came to work, I will have lots of clean clothes tomorrow.

In knitting news, I finished the second Cool Ocean sock today and worked on the Autumn Regia sock at the movies. I prepared it before we left by sitting and finishing the gusset decreases so that I would be able to just sit and knit around the foot part during the movie.

I talked to Karin on AOL messenger for a minute tonight and she said she finished the baby sweater. That was when Ed called, so I had to walk away from the computer in order to concentrate on HEARING him, so I didn't get all the details on the sweater. I don't know if she had to do the creative yarn management that we talked about, or if she was able to squeeze the second sleeve out of the small amount of matching yarn that I had left. Stay tuned tomorrow...

11:35 p.m. - 2003-06-13


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