monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Everything means less than zero

When I got to work, Burnout Boy was perched on the edge of his seat, and could hardly wait to dash out the door. I stopped him to ask if he had pissed off anyone who would be calling me to complain later (well, it happened last time he worked...) but he said he didn't think so. What an idiot. I hope he doesn't last.

I woke up around 3 and watched Cirque de Soleil with Rich and Kim for a while, but, well, I'm sorry to be so lowbrow, but it bores me after a while. I was still feeling groggy, so I went back upstairs and knitted for a little while, and then Ruthann called!

She's back! And just in time, because we need to plan an open house for Rachel after church on Sunday, and then start working on the wedding reception for Ruthann's daughter Patti in two weeks! I'm thinking of just getting a six-foot sub from Subway for Rachel's party, and maybe making California rolls. That's the extent of the work I am willing to do for a party. I'll talk it over with Ruthann tomorrow and we can get started with whatever preparations need to be made...I guess someone should run the vacuum, huh?

I went back to sleep after that, and dreamed that the bathroom on the main floor collapsed and I had to run around getting my brothers and sisters to help me drain my waterbed so it wouldn't put too much weight on the weakened area. It started out as the bathroom in my house, but when I went outside to look at the damage, it was on the grounds of the house where we grew up in Willis.

I've been having some wierd dreams recently - yesterday I dreamed I was flirting with Seth Green, but after a very pleasant kiss, he pretty much disappeared from the scene and I woke up.

I brought the Silja Autumn sock to on again tonight, but I was just thinking that I really need to start another baby sweater because Karin says the Dr. is thinking of inducing her sister in about 10 days. Ow, you know that's gonna hurt.

I heard Rich ask Kim if she wanted to run today, but first she said no because it was Sunday, and then she said something about a tv show. Yeah, we'll see how long this lasts. I'm predicting that she will be well over it by the time school starts in the Fall.

This hasn't really been a news day, since I slept for most of it.

11:22 p.m. - 2003-06-15


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