monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Babble Fish

I am so completely sick of being tired at 7 p.m. and dragging up to bed at 10 and falling asleep immediately, and then waking up at 4:30! That is no way to live, people!

I just read Diana's journal, and I have to say, her friend Sally is amusing - I love to hear stories about her!

Ugh, and I talked to Jeff tonight, for the first time in a week, and he is fussing because he wants to go to the Gay Pride parade in Chicago next weekend, but he doesn't want to go by himself. When he first mentioned it, he said that WE should go, and I said yes, it would be fun and then the next day I told him I couldn't possibly go because it involves everything I hate - 1. huge crowds of people, 2. heat and humidity, and 3. parking somewhere and walking for miles in strange surroundings, and probably being lost! So he took it well, but now that he has gone to Six Flags by himself, I think he realizes it's more fun with somebody, but I am the only somebody he knows! (Anyway, he said I was a whiner, so now I don't have to feel bad about not going with him, hah!)

We finally made it to Curves today and it was fun. Rachel liked it more than she expected to, and we had a really great, very friendly, instructor who seemed to know more about how to use the machines than the first one I met. So we had fun and I bought a diet book. That makes the second one in two weeks. Am I using either of them? Uh, no.

And speaking of not dieting, I am in love with the chocolat-ey goodness of Nutella! Scott has mentioned eating Nutella a couple of times in his letters, so when I saw it in the store I bought some, and it is the BEST! It's chocolate hazelnut spread, like peanut butter in texture, but a little silkier. Oh my goodness, it is so good! I was wondering how you were supposed to eat it when we first opened the jar and tasted it, and Rachel said to make a sandwich with Nutella and peanut butter, and I made a face and said, "Nutella and ...peanut butter?" and as I said it my face changed from a face of "Ick!" to one of wonder and I tried it and we both thought it was so good! This morning I spread some on warm toast and it was even better!

Karin came over yesterday to watch The Fellowship of the Ring with us, and I took the two girls to lunch at Alvarez before the movie, so that Rachel could talk Spanish to the waiters. It was so much fun to listen to her just sitting and talking and being all fluent! Lunch was delicious, like always, and then we knitted and watched the movie, and Rachel thought it was amazing. We had to take a break after the first disk so she could catch her breath from the beauty and wonder of the first part of the movie and by the time it was over, she was reeling! Haha, I just thought that was funny. The movie came out the month after she left for her mission, while she was still in the MTC, so she didn't get to see it until now.

Oh, and this is the big day - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out!! We have two copies ordered from Amazon, and as soon as Walmart opens we are going to be there buying a copy because we can't wait for our Amazon delivery from UPS. We need 3 copies anyway, so that each of us can have one to read and there is no waiting! Kim will be home from Youth Conference sometime this afternoon and she was very concerned that there wouldn't be a copy for her to read, but there will.

4:41 a.m. - 2003-06-21


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