monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Welcome to the working week.

Rachel and Kim both spoke in church on Sunday and Kim did an amazing job, that I did not expect at all! She had a little page with an outline on it and she said the spirit would fill in the rest, and she gave a great talk about her weekend Youth Conference trip to Nauvoo!

It was fun to listen to Rachel talk, and she had to keep pausing to think of how to say something in English, which amuses me. Then she made me go to both Sunday School (I prefer to hang out in the library with Ruthann) and Relief Society (I prefer to be tortured on a rack) and I was so happy to get home and read my book ---

And I finished the new Harry Potter book yesterday! It was long and darker and the situations were frustrating, but I enjoyed it, and since I was just racing through it, I will probably read it at work next weekend and enjoy it all over again.

So it has been interesting this week, watching Rachel slowly acclimate herself to home, and begin to contact her friends. She waited a day or so to call her best friend and former roommate Erin, and the next day she called Mystie in Chicago. Yesterday she got a call from a boy that she has been friends with since they were 14, and they talked for about an hour.

Late in the afternoon yesterday she forced herself to call Jason the Great Moron, because she was dreading it. They talked about all the people they knew in Edwardsville, and who was married and who was engaged, and oh, he did say that he knows someone she might be able to share an apartment with, so that is helpful, and finally she asked him what was going on with him and the girl he started dating immediately after Rachel went on a mission and he said, "Oh, she's still my girlfriend." Rachel said that it's a weight off of her mind because she wasn't interested in JGM anymore, and that's why she didn't want to go back to college at SIUE, but now that she doesn't have to deal with him, she is all fine and happy about it. Well, okay then.

My vacation is over and I am going back to work at 3 this afternoon, which will be wierd but kind of fun, and Rachel is going to look for a job today, too.

5:03 a.m. - 2003-06-23


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