monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Hair daze

I had been up since 5:30 this morning, so I sent the rest of my family off to Rockford to shop at Barnes & Noble, and to make Rachel's report on her mission to the stake high council, and I stayed home and took a nap in my very hot bedroom. It was great! I slept for about 3 hours, and now I'm at work, having eaten my healthy dinner of leftover roast beef and brown rice and I'm enjoying a cold Diet Pepsi in air-conditioned comfort. Ahhh. Is this not happiness?

I took Rachel and Kim to the salon today and they got haircuts, and Rachel got her eyebrows waxed. She'll thank me for it someday, but she wasn't too thrilled about it during the procedure. Hee hee. Well, as Someone's Grandmother always says, "You have to suffer to be beautiful." Actually, everyone's grandmother said that, as my unofficial survey has shown.

When Rachel got home from Argentina, her hair was sunburned and broken off and dry as straw. After a few days of using good shampoo and liberal application of Humectress, it was better, but she still needed a cut, and now it's so cute! All the dead stuff is cut off and she has short layers all over and her hair is curly! (It's as curly as yours, Sarah.) She has always had long hair, but the shorter parts have always curled, and I suspected it would be curly all over if it was ever short and I was right. (And you know how I love it when I'm right.) It looks healthy now, too.

Kim just got a few inches cut off the bottom, like we do every summer, and then for her own personal enjoyment, the stylist used a flat-iron on it to make it very straight. Whatever. It looks nice but Kim has great hair, so it always looks nice. Thinking about it now, I just realized that the reason the stylist wanted to straighten it was that she thought it would be a change for Kim, because when we went in, it was wavy from being braided - she always wears her hair in one long braid when she is just hanging around the house. So we weren't really awestruck by the beauty of straight shiny hair, because it looked like what she has if she doesn't braid it. But the stylist didn't know that, she thought the waviness was her natural hair. (And who could blame her for thinking that when Rachel is the queen of curls?)

We ended up at the yarn store this afternoon after the haircuts. Yes, when it's 94 degrees and humid as a sauna, we like to go shopping for yarn. I showed Rachel the dark purple turtleneck sweater with the thumb-slits in the extra-long sleeves that I made for Kim, and she loved it and wanted to make one, too. She wanted to make one so much that we had to go to the yarn store RIGHT NOW so she could get started! She bought some Plymouth Galway wool in a dark red-purple that is almost the same color as Kim's, and was casting on for it when I left for work. She has a blue cabled sweater to work on, too, that she started before her mission, planning to give it to her then-boyfriend, Jason the Great Moron. I encouraged her then to make sure it would fit herself, too, because by the time it was finished she might not want to give it to him. She finished the body of it before her mission and now just has the sleeves to do - for herself, since she's over JGM, thank goodness.

Oh, he is useful, though. She finally called him to let him know she was back and they spent an hour on the phone with him catching her up on all of their old friends, and when she told him she would be returning to SIUE in the fall, and was looking for someone to share an apartment off campus, he said he knew a girl who was looking for a roommate and he gave the girl our number and she called yesterday. She has another friend who will be sharing with them and they have a three bedroom apartment in mind that they were going to look at today, and they were hoping to find a third girl. Isn't The Third Girl the name of an Agatha Christie book? Yeah, and she's the murder victim. Hmmm.

I'm working on socks, still. It's too hot to think about any of the sweaters that are half-done in the yarn room.

1. Rainbow Lace sock #2 for Ruthann.

2. Opal Rust varigated sock #2.

3. Opal new yarn, pale green and blue fair isle pattern - barely cast on.

11:05 p.m. - 2003-06-24


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