monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


She drives me crazy

Back at work and Billy No-mates just called to whine because his life is boring (not my fault) and he can't sleep. Ugh.

So I blew him off and now I have the night to myself. Well, I do have some work to do, but that doesn't take long, and I have knitting and reading material to amuse me. Rachel was on the phone with her friend Erin when I left, so I hope she calls and gives me an update.

Kim told me before she went to camp that she needed some *real* running shoes, so I bought a pair for her and then she didn't run for the next two days because the coach wasn't going to be there. The kids meet at the park in the morning and run with the coach. So then she was at camp for a week, and today she finally went back to the park to run in the morning and she said the new shoes feel great. Good, I just hope she uses them for a while. I still don't think this running thing is going to last.

Rachel is still working on the book she's writing about how to adjust to life after the mission. She says she has an idea for a murder mystery, too, and I wish she would work on that one!

I have to write my weekly letter, but nothing has been happening. Do you think Scott would like to hear about my knitting?

I did about 3 inches of the Aquarius sweater last night before I noticed that I was making the cables backward and I had to rip back to the third row. I had it knitted back up to the same place before I left work this morning, and I worked on it a little tonight while we watched Drive Me Crazy. That's a cute little teen romance movie that Rachel and I have seen before, but it was new to Kim and she liked it. We were watching it again because Jaque Gray (I'm not sure that's how to spell it and I'm too lazy to look it up), who plays one of the sister missionaries in God's Army, lists it in her filmography, but we didn't remember seeing her in it. We recognized her tonight in a small part as a cheerleader.

Oh, but back to the sweater - it's made with Lion Brand Fishermen's Wool, in the traditional cream color of an Aran sweater. I made the first one with Lamb's Pride wool in a caramel color, and I have some dark blue Lamb's Pride I would like to use to make another one.

Unless I get tired of making this sweater, but it's kind of fun to do. It's not mindless knitting, but it's good for watching TV or DVDs at home. I have some socks to work on when I need mindless knitting.

I'm not reading anything special right now, as I went to the library last week and only got one book. That's not enough! I need to go to the library again.

11:38 p.m. - 2003-07-14


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