monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


You never fly so high that you don't step in a cowpie sometime.

In the last week I learned that if I sleep with the doors and windows closed in my bedroom, I sleep longer and better! Who knew? Well, I think Rich might have suggested it once or twice (a day, for the last year) but I never listen to him. Apparently all the street noises and house noises have been disturbing me and causing me to wake up too early. Huh. Go fig.

So when I woke up today at 3, after some lovely undisturbed sleep, my daughters were loading the bikes into the back of the van again and they went to the park to ride and left me home to drink a Diet Pepsi and read my email, undisturbed. It was nice.

When they got back Rachel and I made a quick trip to the grocery store because there was nothing to eat in the house, and we bought stuff to make chili and Horrible Salad, but when we got home she had to hurry off to Institute class, so we didn't make anything at all. She was really feeling harrassed because she and Kim are leaving on the their Mackinaw trip tomorrow and she needed to print maps and make reservations and PACK, so we decided that instead of actually attending class she would just drive to Rockford with me for company and drop off the t-shirt she bought in St. Louis for her friend and then we would go to B&N to buy a couple of audio books for the trip. And look for knitting magazines.

So that is what we did, because when there is a time crunch and many things to be done and it's getting down to the wire, well, we go shopping. The selection of audiobooks was good, but prohibitively expensive, so we didn't buy any. Rachel said she could just get some at the library, and she could have, if only we had gotten back to town before it closed. Anyway, we have HP5 on tapes that the girls can listen to - it's 27 hours long, so they should have the trip covered.

I checked the racks for knitting mags but didn't see anything new, and we looked at the knitting books too, but didn't get anything there, either. I bought Le Divorce by Diane Johnson (?) because I liked Le Marriage and it made me read with a French accent, also Le Divorce is being made into a movie with Kate Hudson and another blonde, and The Diaries of Adrian Mole because it looked funny.

On the way home we were listening to Ben Folds Live in the car and suddenly I had a brainstorm! I clutched Rachel's arm in excitement and anounced that I had a great idea - - she should put a personal ad online at an LDS dating service to find someone to go out with! She looked at me oddly, but then she thought it might be a good idea!

You know there just aren't enough nice young LDS men to date out here in the "mission field" (as they call it on Mars, although, someone needs to wake up; they send missionaries to UTAH now). So when we got home we (and when I say "we" you know I mean ME) ran to the den to get on the internet and sign her up for a dating service. There were several to choose from, btw, and we picked We filled out her profile, and then did a search for guys within 200 miles, because that's only a couple of hours away and includes Chicago and found several possibilities and then WE (see above) wrote a note to each of them and now we are going to sit and wait for responses. You know how much this entertains me!


Remember when Sarah and I were at Diana's house and we made that list of Momisms? Things our mother used to say when we were kids, like -- well, I can't think of any right now, but tonight before I came to work, Rachel said something that made me realize that someday my kids will be remembering MY Momisms and here are two of them:

"It's better to look good than to feel good." and "A little making out never hurt anybody."

Also, when Scott was filling out his mission papers, he said, "Hey, this asks if I've ever used any Recreational Drugs! I didn't know that was a real phrase, I thought that was just a Momism!" Haha, oh yeah, I'm such a good mother.

11:27 p.m. - 2003-07-22


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