monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Getting back to nature - bugs and camping

The girls left at 8:30 this morning. I took a sleeping pill and went to bed. When I woke up, it was 4:30 in the afternoon, so I hope I'll be able to sleep tonight.

I called the girls and they were in the U.P., they said they got a speeding ticket in a construction zone, but the cop gave them a break and they only have to pay a fine. Then a truck tried to run them off the road because he got frustrated driving them behind them through the construction at the correct speed. The bastard. When I am one of Satan's minions, in charge of room assignments, he's going to get a room next to the elevator, with creaking water pipes and the rusty ice machine running all night.

I opened an email attachment from someone who sent me digital pics of Scott last week, and it was a virus. Don't open any attachments from me unless you check to see if I have sent you one first!! Rich has been using his amazing sys admin skills all evening trying to clean up the damage, but he's afraid he's going to have to wipe the computer clean and start over. I'm using the one in Kim's room, as the girls took Rachel's laptop with them. I don't know how Kim can use this chair, it's very uncomfortable!

Well I'm going to go read in bed. The last time I talked to Rachel, they were at the campground and had already made a run to the store for soap and misquito repellent, and they had just found out that they left their flashlights and box of matches at home on the table. Oops! I told them to borrow some matches from some other campers, and she said she will go knock on the door of an RV! Haha!

9:48 p.m. - 2003-07-23


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