monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Goodnight, sweet prince.

Sometimes it's just nice to be at work. It's cooler than my house, for one thing, since at work we have central air conditioning, and usually cleaner, too, on account of the housekeeping staff. Yes, I have a cleaning lady, but she doesn't come in EVERY DAY! The carpet doesn't smell like cat pee in the corners here, either. Yeah, my house is a special place to be - hot, dirty and smelly! Haha, I slay me!

So I talked to Rachel tonight. She was online with her laptop at the motel and she said she was looking at a couple of the messages that had been left for her at and she suspects that they might be losers. Hmm, you think? Well, they didn't all seem like losers when we originally looked at them, but she might be right. Or it's the loser syndrome, the problem she has always had with attracting idiots because she is a kind person and they are so happy when a girl doesn't spit on them that they think it's love. Okay, maybe it was a bad idea, but I thought it would be fun!

In knitting news, I finished a mitten yesterday. It's for the dreaded craft show. Why did I agree to do the craft show? What was I thinking? I hate craft shows and I'm never going to do it again! I wonder if I can withdraw? I started the second mitten today, and brought it to work with me. Mittens don't take as long to make as socks, but they have more fiddly parts, so they aren't as mindless to make.

I'm finished with both of the books I bought. The Diaries of Adrian Mole was very funny. Le Divorce was good, and I'm going to look for more books by that author at the library. I saw lots of books at B&N that looked good and a couple of new ones by authors that I like, but I'm tired of spending money on books. Our house is so full of books that we really don't have space for more. The shelves are full, with stacks of books in front of books, there are piles of books in my bedroom and well, in everyone elses bedrooms, too. I'm trying to use the library more, but they don't have everything I want. They do have interlibrary loan, so I can request books, but that is a little more effort. I want to read the new Anna Maxted book and The Devil Wears Prada, by I-don't-know-who.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about the movie I watched today. I was sitting in the living room with nothing to read so I started looking for something to watch on TV so I could knit, and the preview channel listed Hamlet with Campbell Scott, so I flipped on over to watch it. Oh my goodness! It was an amazing version, that takes place in New York City, at the Denmark Corporation. I can't believe I have never heard of this version before! It had Bill Murray in it, and he was very good as Polonius, and Julia Stiles was a fantastic Ophelia. Ethan Hawke was a scruffy punk filmmaker Hamlet, and it had Steve Zahn and someone I've never seen before as Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, and the guy who was Guildenstern was beautiful in a subtle way and when I looked him up later, he turned out to be Uma Thurman's brother Dechen. Oh, and it wasn't Campbell Scott as Claudius, so I don't know who put that in the preview channel listing, it was Kyle MacLachen. There is a superficial resemblance.

It was depressing, as Hamlet is, so during part of it I went into the den and IM'd Rich at work and we were both looking up Hamlet facts on the internet and talking about it, which just shows you what kind of geeks we really are. Rich claims there isn't a better Hamlet than Mel Gibson, who I barely remember seeing, but I did remember seeing Kevin Kline and loving him, so now we have to rent a bunch of copies of Hamlet from Blockbuster and compare them. I'm not sure I can watch it that many times, because as I said, it's depressing; everyone ends up dead.

11:19 p.m. - 2003-07-25


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