monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Repression; Depression's prettier sister.

I barely left the house today. I went to the library with Ruthann and picked up a couple of books, so that was a good thing, and I slept a lot, so that was also good, but other than that, nothing. I'm boring! Oh man, I hate that! I need something interesting to do, something to get excited about, and not the negative kind of excited, where I just yell and raise my blood pressure because they gave me the wrong order at Wendy's and I'm already at work before I open the bag and discover it!

Okay, I just ate the fries and threw away the gross, disgusting MUSTARDBURGER they gave me! Ugh, I like a little meat with my mustard, you idiots, and anyway, I ordered a chicken sandwich.

I had Rachel in the car with me today when I stopped at the ATM to get a couple of dollars and we were talking and I wasn't paying attention and you know the button that asks if you want to speak English or Spanish? Yes, I hit the wrong one, and it's a good thing I had her with me, because even though I go to the ATM all the time, I could not figure out which buttons to push without Rachel's interpreting skills! Guess what? When you are doing your transaction in Spanish, your receipt is in Spanish, too! Cool!

The magic Pepsi machine at work isn't working tonight, so I had to get a pop from the Coke machine and I'm not so happy about that. The Pepsi machine is magic because you put in your dollar and sometimes it doesn't give you a Pepsi, sometimes it gives you two Pepsis, and sometimes you just get your one Pepsi. I guess it's more like a gambling Pepsi machine, but I think Magic Pepsi machine sounds more fun.

I'm almost done with the back of the Aquarius sweater. I worked on it today while I tried to watch a movie that I bought from the sale table at Cub Foods. It was an old Dustin Hoffman movie called Who is Harry Kellerman and Why is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? It was very much a movie of the early 70's - all pre-MTV montages and schizophrenic weirdness. I couldn't watch all of it, it was wierd AND boring. Anyway, I figured out the ending.

Speaking of weird and terrible movies, we watched another of my sale-table finds this afternoon. That is, I only watched part of it, and I left with Ruthann and was thankful to be leaving. I'm not sure if Rachel watched all of it. It was Love's Labours Lost, the musical. Ha ha! It was pretty horrific. It was made like an MGM musical - set in the twenties - and the clothes were great, but the numbers, oh my goodness, it was awful. Rachel said it was better than Moulin Rouge, but only just barely. We are the family that hates musicals - what can I say?

So apparently that was what I did today, I watched bad movies and went to the library, then I came to work. No wonder I couldn't remember how I spent my day when I started writing this, I must have repressed it.

11:35 p.m. - 2003-07-28


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