monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm incarcerated, Lloyd!

I know it's stupid, but the dating website that I signed up Rachel for? It's providing hours of entertainment for me! I am getting a huge charge out of looking at profiles and reading what people say about themselves, and what they are looking for. You know, I don't enjoy actually being with strangers, but being able to observe them in their natural habitat is so much fun!

One thing that I find interesting is that several young men from the Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor area are on the site. They are all in their late 20's and I'm sure they know each other - they're all students and must be in the student ward there. One of them has a photo on his site of him and a couple of friends at the Palmyra pageant, and I recognized one of his friends - I had just looked at his profile the day before.

So Rachel is losing interest, but I'm still having fun with it.

Not much going on at my house today. I slept until noon, which isn't really long enough, but I never got a nap in the evening because one of Rachel's friends came over and couldn't sleep for fear I might miss something. I'm such a 5 yr old. When he left, Rachel and I watched Say Anything and it ended just in time for me to leave for work. John Cusack looks so young and sweet in that movie! Who wouldn't want to go out with Lloyd Dobbler?

What I'm knitting -

I brought the Fudge Ripple Opal sock #1 to work on tonight. I did a few rows on the Aquarius sweater while I watched the movie.

What I'm reading - Re-reading the second half of HP5. I hate Prof. Umbridge so much that I can't bear to read all of the book again, but the second half is where she is starting to get a little worried about losing her hold on the school, and then Fred and George are so clever...I'm a little worried about them, though, now that they're high school dropouts.

12:28 a.m. - 2003-08-14


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