monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Friday night in the big city.

I'm not getting enough sleep this week! I go home, fall into bed and sleep until 12:30, and then I'm up! I can't go back to sleep, and I haven't been able to nap in the evening, so I'm just really tired!

Rachel is bored and can't wait to go back to school because there is nothing going on here and no one her age to do things with. Wednesday night PBJ came over to see if she had information about a dance in Chicago at Navy Pier at the end of the month, and he and Rachel talked about their missions, the music they listened to while on their missions, and the movies they missed while they were away. I knew PBJ liked movies, too, and he looked through our DVD collection (hah! it's about 30 DVDs and can hardly be called a collection when compared with Axel's 700+) and found some things he wanted to watch, so we invited him to come back the next day and watch movies with us.

I was asleep yesterday when he showed up at 11, and when I got up at 12:30, Rachel and PBJ were listening to some CDs he brought over. We watched God's Army because PBJ had never seen it, and you know it's all about missionaries! I love that movie and I think Richard Dutcher is a freakin' genius! Then we watched High Fidelity, and finally Galaxy Quest, and then he had to go home. At some point during the filmfest, Kim was in the kitchen when I went in there to get a Diet Pepsi, and she hissed at me, "PBJ has been here for like 6 hours!" So yeah, he stayed all day, and Rachel and I had been planning to go to Chicago in the evening but well, that didn't happen. It was kind of fun, though, having someone to watch our movies with.

Tonight Rachel was evidently just going crazy with boredom, because when I got up in the afternoon she was babbling about going to Naperville (near Chicago) to see a movie that is only showing there and nowhere closer! It's a mediocre movie called Alex and Emma that will go right to video in a month or so, and I can wait, but she was really just trying desparately to find something to do.

We took a load of stuff from Kim's room to the Salvation Army and saw that the streets were blocked off for a jazz festival later so we decided to check that out instead. Ugh. It was so humid I could hardly breathe and the place was packed with people but we never saw anyone we knew and there was no one under 34 except 2 boys who were probably about 18 and Rachel tried to get one of them to dance with her (the music was good) but nope, they wouldn't do it. Sigh. Between the losers on and those two dorks, it's really lowering her self-esteem.

We left and went by the movie theater, but the only movie we wanted to see had started 30 minutes earlier, so we gave up and went home. Rich had rented some movies and we put in one of them, Shanghai Knights, but OMG what a piece of crap! I couldn't watch it, even with knitting. I tried, but I finally had to leave the room.

So that's the day I had. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Bet you wish you were here.

I wanted to start some new knitting tonight, so I brought some yarns and needles to work with me so I can play with them. I found a pattern for an interesting scarf that I can make to sell at the dreaded craft show, and I want to make a cardigan for Bertha, too. I made a sweater for her last year (and I don't know why I bother knitting anything for those people) but it's too itchy and it comes up too far on her neck. Whatever. I wouldn't care, but she has asked me to make a sweater for her a couple of times, and I would like to do it, but apparently it needs to be a plain-jane boring cardigan made from acrylic. Oh boy, that's a fun project for any knitter, don't you think?

Other knitting:

1. Opal Fudge Ripple sock #1, 2/3 done.

2. Aquarius sweater front

3. Opal Brasil sock #1

4. Wheat WE baby sweater in the basket in my room, untouched. Almost done - only 1/2 sleeve to go, but I don't need it for anyone in particular.

5. Scott's sweater

6. Gryffindor scarf - just started stripe #4.

11:02 p.m. - 2003-08-15


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