monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I need a little something to do.

I think everyone is sick of me at my house. I was bored and tired tonight and then I started bitching at everyone, so yeah, it was not me at my best.

Okay, but here's the thing. You know how I have that awful thing, that empath ability? Well, Rachel was bored and frustrated and she was sitting near me, IMing with her friend (the one who was being a drama queen and frustrating Rachel, who was trying to give her helpful advice), so I was picking all that up from her, and just spewing it out all over the room in the form of venomous attacks on everyone else. Well, not everyone, mostly just Rich. I apologized later, but it was awful of me to act like that.

I went to the grocery store tonight and got a few things, because I've been trying to make dinner more often so that my family doesn't have to forage for their own food like chimps in the wild. I didn't actually make dinner at home tonight, because of the lack of groceries, but I will tomorrow.

Kim is still working on cleaning out her closets and cupboards - she does this every year before school starts so that she starts the year feeling clean and ready. So nice for her, but then I have to decide what to do with the old stuff - save it for future grandchildren, or take it to the Salvation Army?

Last year Kim was downtown and saw a ceramic shop with a dragon statue in the window and since then she goes there every Tuesday night during the summer to paint ceramic dragons. She's done some good ones (and some crap ones) and she's given some of them away, but the point is, the old ladies at the ceramic shop like her and they told her about a guy who makes those ceramic houses that light up and make happy Christmas village scenes at Hallmark stores, and he was on a tour of some sort through the midwest, planning to stop at a Hallmark store in Rockford. Kim wanted to go and meet him, although she wasn't familiar with his work, so we all drove to the Hallmark store today. There was quite a crowd of elderly ladies there, having a reception in the rear of the store and we admired the really extensive display of a huge snowy Christmas village and bought a nativity scene for Kim so she could get it signed. She had her picture taken with the artist, too. She's a ceramic groupie.

11:20 p.m. - 2003-08-16


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