monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


More complaining about the heat. Oh joy.

Day 4 of the 23-day sweater. I'm about to cast off the first sleeve and I'm 4 inches up the second sleeve. If I hadn't made so many mistakes in the first sleeve I would be farther along by now, and I don't think the second sleeve is going to take as long as the first one. Can I finish this sweater in 19 days? Let's say it takes 2 days to finish the second sleeve, and that leaves 17 days for the body... it could happen!

It's a different feeling to work on one project from start to finish, instead of having 4 or 5 things going on at once. I do this once in a while, usually in the Fall, come to think of it. I get tired of having a bunch of half-done projects, so I work on one at a time until they are all finished. Then I say that from now on I will only have one project on the needles at a time because I like the sense of accomplishment I get from finishing something, but within a few days I find that I have multiple projects again.

I do have several projects to finish, but I also have the dreaded craft show to knit for. Ugh.

It is so hot and humid here that I can hardly stand to go outside. Today I forced myself to go to Curves and it was actually quite a pleasant experience once I got there. Hope McD, Big Dave WootWoo's mother, was there, and she said that she should be there around 3 every day now that school has started, so I said I would try to be there at least 3 days a week, too. It's more fun when there's someone to go with!

After Curves I drove home, all sweaty and gross-feeling and when I got into my driveway I sat in the car for a few minutes after I turned off the engine, to listen to a song on the radio and by the time the song ended, I was dripping with sweat!

I felt so good after a shower and was able to sit and knit in my chair for a couple of hours, without mentally nagging myself to go workout! I was done! I think I've figured out the secret to going to Curves - I can't sit in my chair and knit until I get back from Curves because once I sit in that chair and start knitting, it's almost impossible to get out of it again. A body at rest tends to remain at rest! It's science!

Kim didn't go to cross-country practice because she felt sick and dizzy all day. I don't know if it's because of the heat or if she has a virus, but she didn't call anyone to pick her up from school because she didn't want to miss any of her first full day of school. I told her to stay home tomorrow if she still feels sick.

11:39 p.m. - 2003-08-25


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