monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Stop coughing, you're getting on my nerves

So I came to work, sat down at the other desk to kill a couple of minutes until Jessica (the Saturday night operator) left, and I found myself reading a blog about someone's hideous life!

I was just following links from one charming journal to the next, and then WHAM! I ran up against this woman who was talking about her horrible life! It was like a train wreck, and I was fascinated and horrified and could not tear myself away! It was like that carton of sour milk at the back of the fridge; you know it's old, it's been there for weeks and you know it's gonna stink, but you pick it up to pour it away and you can't help yourself, you have to smell it!

Whew, finally I did manage to peel my eyes from the screen and exit that blog and fortunately I can't remember all the links I followed to get to it, so I won't have to read that again!

Kim and Rich are still sick. Rich is slightly better and Kim is slightly worse, and they lay on the couches in the den and the living room and watched TV all day.

I didn't sleep well at all today because I needed to put a couple of things in the mail, and I forgot it when I got home, so when I remembered them I was already in bed, and I thought that I would just mail them when I woke up because I always wake up around noon, but then I had trouble going to sleep what with Rich coughing in our room, and Kim coughing in her room, and the nagging feeling of worry I had about not getting the things in the mail, so finally at 8:30, when Rich's coughing woke me from a fragile doze again, I told him to go downstairs and sleep on the couch because he was keeping me awake. Then I was wishing I had told him to put the letters in the mailbox, but it was too late, he couldn't hear me.

So when I finally woke up, still feeling tired, I went downstairs and saw the mailman's truck outside! I hurriedly put the stamps on the envelopes, but I was in my t-shirt and underwear, so I asked Rich, who was wearing a pair of karate pants and a shirt, to go outside and give the letters to the mailman and he said he couldn't because he wasn't dressed! That bastard!

After that I ceased to care about his health, and when I called Ruthann later to see if she wanted to go out and do errands with me (and mail the letters), she asked how he was and I told her I didn't care. Tonight he did the dishes that he was too sick to wash yesterday and I didn't even feel guilty for not washing them yesterday when he was so sick. Not dressed, my ass!

23-day sweater progress - moving along nicely but now I'm in the labor-intensive part and it's going to slow down because I can only work on it if I have a movie to watch (listen to) while I work on it. Only 6 days left!

11:25 p.m. - 2003-09-06


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