monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Actually, 15 minutes would be enough.

Kim slept on the couch all afternoon and is feeling much better tonight, and Rich is still sniffling and coughing, but they are both planning to go out in the morning, to work or school. Yay!

I am doing the part of the 23-day Big Surprise sweater that requires much attention to the chart, and I worked on it practically nonstop from the time I got up this afternoon until I came to work and got about ... uh... not quite two inches done. Oh yeah, that's why these sweaters take a long time to make. So it might not be done by FRIDAY, but if it's not, I'll take the pieces with me to show Rachel when we go to visit.

However, while I was working on the Big Surprise Sweater, I was thinking about the Nagano sweater I started for Rachel about 3 years ago. I was thinking that I hate the red colorway and I would like to give up on it, just never finish it, maybe sell it on eBay or something, but I know how much Rachel wants that sweater, just not in that color, so I had the stupendous idea of finishing the sweater to sell in the craft show and then using the money to buy the yarn to make one in a color I can stand! How is that for genius? The drawback is that it would require me to actually FINISH the sweater.

A few months ago when I cleaned up the yarn room, I was going to unravel the sweater and use the yarn for something else, but when I saw how much of it was done, I couldn't rip it out. I just shoved it into a tote bag and put it in a box. So tonight I went upstairs and dragged it out of the tote bag and looked at it. Hmmm, still red. I left the body alone for now, because it's at the same concentration-intensive part as the Big Surprise sweater, and I can't work on it until I finish the BS. I took the pattern, some yarn and the needles to start a sleeve, though, and put them into a bag to bring to work tonight! I can easily do the sleeves at work now that the BS sweater is too big (and difficult) to haul around! Last night I started a fast beret to work on while I read at work, and I can finish that tonight (to sell at the god-forsaken craft show) and start a Nagano sleeve! I'm a freakin' genius.

I'm reading The Europeans by Henry James, but then Ruthann asked if I had finished a book she loaned me, and I thought I'd better finish that, so I brought it to read at work tonight. It's a book by Dorothy Cannell, who wrote one okay mystery book and that spawned a series of books about those characters, but I don't like the way she writes so I don't read them. I told Ruthann about the first one, though, and she finds them all funny and always recommends them back to me, and I finally took one from her and thought I would force myself to read it since she is always kind enough to read what I give her. The difference being that I give her good stuff to read and she gives me crap.

So I'm working on a hideous sweater and reading crap. Oh, my life is good.

Kim was concerned this evening because I was arguing with Rich about politics, sort of, except not really because we don't actually care, and she said that what we need to do to reassure her that our marriage is okay was to go out for a nice romantic evening together. You know, dinner and a movie, someting like that. I told her that we don't have time for that and asked if we could just have 30 minutes alone in our bedroom. She gave a horrified shriek, so I guess that will come out in her therapy in a few years.

11:08 p.m. - 2003-09-07


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