monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


And now I'm at work.

I didn't go to Curves at all last week, so this week I thought I should try to get over there the recommended 3 times. Some people go 5 or 6 times a week, but I already have a hobby.

So I woke up at 3 p.m. and I did NOT feel like going to Curves! I called Ruthann and whined about it for a while, and finally we decided that she would go with me and sit on the couch reading HP5 while I worked out, and she even came to pick me up so that I wouldn't call her back and whine with some excuse for why I couldn't drive. I put some cans of Diet Pepsi in a small cooler that I filled with ice and put that in the backseat of her car, so when we got back to the car after Curves, mmmmm, there was ice-cold Pepsi!

When Ruthann dropped me off at home afterward, I had my hands full with my shoes, my purse, and the cooler, so I rang the doorbell and while I was waiting for someone to let me in, I tilted my head back and gave a mournful Hoooooooo. Then another one. When Rich (finally) opened the door, he said, "Were you howling out there on the doorstep?" "Yup, like a coyote." I don't know what I was thinking.

That turned out to be the best part of my day. I went home and showered, and then worked on the BS (Big Stupid) sweater for the next 4 hours and I'm so very sick of that thing!! I told Rachel tonight that it might not be done for her birthday but I will give her the pieces in a box so she can admire them. She thought that would be okay.

Also, the beret I was knitting at work? Yeah, not so much. I finished it and it was huge, so I ripped it out. I'm making it from some very pretty yarn that I got from the sale bin at the Yarn Sellar, and I've tried to make several things with it, but it's just a little heavier than what I usually work with and it hasn't worked out for anything. I just keep ripping it and reknitting. I'm thinking baby sweater now. I wonder if there's enough of it?

So I brought some Pink Heather Woolease to work with me tonight to make a beret. Woolease is the perfect weight yarn, and I love to work with it. I know other people who are yarn snobs and don't think much of Woolease, but I like it a lot and they can bite me. It's the perfect weight, it can be machine washed and dried, it's soft and comes in a million colors. What's not to like? Oh right, it's not 100% wool! Well, for most people, 100% wool is too high maintenance, too hot, too scratchy (not all of it, but some) and I don't like making things to give to other people out of wool because I think they won't care enough or know enough to care for it properly. So yeah, Woolease is good.

I need to buy more Woolease to make mittens and hats for the craft show, that's what I need to do!

So tonight while knitting on the neverending BS, I told Rich that the credit card that I gave Rachel for emergencies has been denied twice (apparently she's had two emergencies already?) and I don't understand it. He then spent an hour online and on the phone, trying to access the account information and find out what the problem is.

During the course of his investigation, he rebuked me - that's right, Rebuked. Me. For swearing! He said that if I heard someone else talking and using bad language casually that I would think they were trash (true) but I do it all the time. Fine. So I resolved to not swear (as much). Then Kim seconded that, thanks so much, Kim. Tochas lecher. Is it swearing if it's in Yiddish?

Then a while later, when Rich was calling Rachel to let her know that card is okay again, she made a joke about Mom swearing, so now he's thinking he's all validated. Hmph.

Oh, the credit card? Well, when I took Rachel and Kim to buy school clothes, I got a call that evening from the credit card company's fraud department, just checking to make sure that I bought all that stuff myself. I assured them that I had and thanked them for their concern, but apparently they put a hold on purchases made on that card until they checked with me and then FORGOT to take the hold off! Idiots.

11:24 p.m. - 2003-09-08


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