monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Tiene dolor cuando urina?

I have been avoiding Billy No-mates online and certainly not calling him on the phone, and he hasn't been calling me at 5:30 every morning to whine about how he hates his job, his life, his parents, our boss, everyone in administration and the parking lot, too. Which has been so very pleasant!

But then I started feeling bad for ignoring him, in that I am, as you know, his only friend on the earth because of his regrettable lack of social skills and/or charm of any kind. So I called him this morning when I got home from work, thinking that I would be able to cut him off if (when!) he got annoying, by saying that I needed to sleep.

And you know what? He asked me what kind of problem I was having at work, implying that the only reason I call him is when I need his help. Well, that IS kind of true, because if I have something specific to call him about, then we have something to TALK about instead of it all degenerating into his same old rants, so yeah, I do call him when I need help with something work-related, but only because I can't stand to try to have a conversation with him anymore. Ironically, I have sent my last two work-related queries to Steve and Carole instead of asking Billy N-m about them because he was so obnoxious the last time I needed to know something. What a tard.

So I called him and listened to the complaining until I just couldn't bear it another minute and then told him I had to sleep. I've done my good deed for this week.

I did an inch or so on the BSS(weater) today and it absolutely will not be done by Rachel's birthday. Darn. BUT, I will take a picture of it to show her when we go to visit her this weekend.

Last night at work I finished the pink heather WE beret and started another one with that yarn that is pretty but hasn't worked out for any of the projects I've tried so far. I think it might work this time. I left it at home tonight, though, and brought some blue Country 8-ply washable wool to make another beret using another pattern. I can't remember which pattern I used the most last year for the berets I was making.

I don't think I was keeping a journal back then, so you don't know about this, but Barb needed to make a beret for a friend of hers, male, who likes berets. Okay. So she doesn't knit, she only crochets, and she tried a couple of patterns but they weren't quite what she wanted, so I said to let me try one and I ended up making several of them because they were easy and fun. I used a pattern from the internet for the first two or three and then found another pattern that I used a few times, but I don't remember which pattern it was. I kind of think it was from the book Hats Off by Charlene Schurch. That's a great hat book! I'm trying her pattern tonight to see if that's the pattern that I used last year, and if it is, I'll make a few to sell at the lousy craft show.

In my quest to learn Spanish immediately I found a website that I studied the basics of pronounciation with, then today I listened to a tape in the car - the kind where the speaker says a sentence and you repeat it. I was listening to it when I picked Kim up from cross-country, and she repeated sentences with me on the way home. Tonight I stopped at the grocery store on the way to work so I could get some snacks, and I found a cool laminated fold-out study guide to learn the basics of Spanish quickly! Woot! So I bought that to play with tonight at work. I am confidently expecting to be fluent by the weekend.


11:32 p.m. - 2003-09-10


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