monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


What would you do with 800 dollars?

I don't really have anything interesting to write about... no, I probably shouldn't announce that right at the beginning because maybe if I don't mention it, you won't notice.

Okay, call me a meddler, but I signed Rachel back onto LDSMingle! Yes, it does entertain me, but I did it for HER! Because where else is she going to meet someone dateable who is LDS? She reminded me that we called it LDSMingle with Losers, and that's true, but there are bound to be a few guys on there who aren't losers! Who aren't 27 year old college freshmen, who can spell the name of the country in which they served their mission, and who don't still live with their parents! That's not asking too much, is it?

This morning I was IMing with Rich when I got home from work, and we were continuing the discussion about getting another dog, and while we talked I started looking around on line for a breeder. I found one who lives in St. Louis and he called me back tonight. Guess how much an Old English Sheepdog costs? 800 dollars for a puppy! We won't be getting one anytime soon, I tell you what! I also found a breeder's site that included a puppy cam, and Rich and I both watched that for a while. The dogs were cute, but as I watched them I remembered the reality of having a big hairy loud smelly dog in the house, and was kind of glad not have one.

12:01 a.m. - 2003-09-23


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