monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


At least my headache is gone.

I just wrote a letter to Scott, and as I wrote it I was planning to copy it and use it for a journal entry, but oops, I sent it too quickly! I wrote it in Hotmail, so it doesn't save a copy unless you tell it to, so it's gone. Sorry, and I don't know if I'm up to re-writing it all.

Saturday we went to Kim's track meet and she had a sore ankle from practice earlier last week, but she was determined to run anyway and by the time she ran 2.75 miles on it, she was in a lot of pain! As we were watching her run by, I yelled, "Stop if it hurts!" and she yelled back that she wanted to finish! So when she finished, and she wasn't last, but she was close to it, Rich carried her on his back to where the rest of the team was, and the coach said to ice it and take it easy for a couple of days.

So Kim spent the rest of Saturday and all of today on the couch with ice bags and Advil. She is a little better tonight, and I told her to rest it tomorrow and don't run after school.

We brought Preston home with us after church to help give her a blessing, and then he hung around for the next 6 hours, watching Monsters, Inc, and then State and Main.

Rachel packed and left at 2, and kept calling from the road to see if Preston was still at our house, and he was, which she thought was hilarious.

I was dying to take a nap because I had a huge headache, so bad that I finally took Vicodan for it, but couldn't take a nap because I didn't want to leave Preston sitting alone in the living room. Well, Kim was there, on the couch, doing her homework, but you know what I mean.

Finally Preston's brother Nolan picked him up and they left, and my headache had settled in my eye, so I went to bed and tried to sleep but my head was throbbing behind my eye and I was fuming about an incident with an idiot at church, so I couldn't sleep.

I gave up and called Ruthann to bitch about the person who pissed me off and she was marvelously sympathetic, and came over and brought me some chili and I fed her a couple of the brownies I made while we watched movies.

When she left I went back to bed and Kim came and sat with me and soothed me to sleep. She's great at that. I slept, but not enough, and then Rich had to wake me up for work. I had three days off, but it wasn't enough.

Knitting report:

I'm knitting a scarf with some varigated washable wool that I bought from the sale bin at the Yarn Sellar. It's knitted in mistake rib, which is a multiple of 2, plus 1 stitch. Then you knit2, purl2 and end with K1 on both sides until it's as long as you want it. It's going to be another item for the craft show.

I finished the mohair scarf knitted in feather and fan stitch pattern, also known as Old Shale. It is gorgeous! I'm going to make at least one more in the mohair, and because the Old Shale pattern was fun and looks good, I started another scarf with it using some WoolEase (dark purple) and size 5 needles. I knitted about 8 inches while I watched movies with Preson this afternoon. It looks great in WE, too!


I'm reading a book from the sale shelf at the library, called Mrs. Meeker's Money by Doris Miles Disney. She wrote in the late 50s or early 60s and I like her stories. Her mysteries involve a postal inspector named Madden, and always have a minor romance in them, and a good plot. Nothing flashy, and a little old-fashioned, in that there is no sex or gore, but pleasant reading.

12:09 a.m. - 2003-09-29


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