monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Recuperating at home.

Yesterday I had a mammogram after work and today I'm sore! Ow sweetie, ow dahling! The pain and the humiliation are two of the reasons why I avoid that procedure!

I only slept about 4 hours yesterday and when I woke up I felt groggy and awful but I couldn't go back to sleep, so I called Ruthann and we went out to get a hamburger, and ended up driving around in the country until we ended up at an orchard where we bought apples and cider and donuts! That was a lot more fun than going to Curves, I tell you what!

When Kim called us for a ride home after cross-country practice, she sounded a little teary. She had run/walked the training course of 5 or so miles and her ankle was hurting again.

She has an appointment to see a doctor about it but it's not for two weeks, (the first appt I could get for her), so Rich and I took her to Urgent Care to have it looked at.

She had an xray, but the doctor said if there is a stress fracture, it can be so fine that you can't see the break in an xray until it heals! It looked okay, though, and he said she has Achilles Tendonitis and gave us care instructions that include icing it and taking Advil, which is what we've been doing.

Later I looked on the internet to find out more about treating it, and the website I found said that pronation (rolling inward) is one of the causes. Kim is a terrible pronator, in fact, two years ago I wanted to take her to a podiatrist to see if she could get inserts for her shoes to help with her pronation, but Rich acted like I was being ridiculous, like I had Munchausen's syndrome or something so I didn't take her. Well, look who was right, pal! I don't know why I ever listen to him, it's almost always a mistake.

So she is staying home from school today to rest her ankle and keep it iced. She has homework to do, and she can watch cartoons and play video games, too. She's an A student, she can afford to miss a day.

9:04 a.m. - 2003-10-02


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