monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I don't have enough 4s either.

I know that some people will think I'm joking when I say that I don't have enough needles, but I'm not kidding when I say that I really don't have enough knitting needles! Specifically, I don't have enough 24-inch, size 5 needles. That's the size I use the most, and I have maybe 6 or 7 sets of them, but right now, at this moment, I don't have a single spare size 5 circular needle!

I'm trying to think of where they all are - there's one in the vest I'm knitting for Scott, one in the brown sweater, one in the white cable sweater, one in the pink-spotted baby sweater, and one (a bamboo needle that I don't like) in the purple baby sweater. That's only 5. There must be a couple more of them somewhere. Sometimes I leave a needle in the knitting to hold stitches in one area while I work on another area, and I know I did that with the vest, but I took out that one and put in a size 1 needle, just to hold the stitches in place. I'm trying to remember what is in the sleeves of the brown sweater, holding those stitches... Yes, tomorrow I'm going to check all the half-done projects in the house and find another needle because I am sick of using this bamboo needle. It's not slippery enough and it's slowing me down, as well as aggravating my tendonitis with the extra effort needed to push the stitches along. I started another baby sweater in white WE on a 16-inch size 5 needle, but I can't do the whole sweater on that.

Someone hates me. They left something on my front porch tonight while I was inside watching TV - a bag of candy, with a sign taped to it! My heart sank when I saw it out there as I was leaving for work, and I brought it back in the house and threw it on the counter in front of Rich. The sign said something about it being Family Night and gave me the responsibility to pass on the "favor" to two other families. Ugh. Who don't I like? Who can I torture with it? Actually, it's not the heavy burden that it has been at other times; other years when I was too busy and full of bitterness and just could not deal with it. One year I didn't even bother to pass it on at all! That's right, the Family Night Phantom buck stops here! The really bad thing about it was that I didn't put the little paper ghost on my front door, so a couple of nights later, I got Phantomed again! I had some serious guilt about that! I'm considering taking treats to a couple of people with a little poem attached that gives them permission to eat the treats and do nothing at all. I shouldn't be selfish, though, that's actually the kind of thing that Kim would enjoy doing, so I'll probably show her the note tomorrow. Maybe we'll Phantom Olga's family - they live in a bad neighborhood, so it would be an exciting venture.

What I'm knitting:

1. Purple WE raglan top-down baby sweater

2. Pink-spotted Encore baby sweater (same pattern as #1)

3. White WE baby sweater (same pattern)

4. Fortissima Colori striped sock #2

5. Opal Black Cherry sock #2

The above are all for the dreaded craft show - everything else is on hold until it's over! Only a month away!


Simply Divine by Wendy Holden. Another book about a single woman, her career, her friends, her relationships. Not bad, although it's full of puns and I don't find them funny. But that's just me. There's no murder, either. Darn.

11:43 p.m. - 2003-10-13


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