monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


There's no air conditioning in Hell.

OMG, what starts with cluster and rhymes with truck? That's right, we went to see the Roadshows tonight! I'm so glad that's over!

We were packed into a very hot gym, with babies crying and little kids pounding on things; oh my goodness, has anyone ever heard of taking their kid OUT so they don't bother other people?

Our show was cute; the bits that were added to the original script were good, and it was all fine. Except for the addition to the cast at the last moment because someone dropped out of the show, and the person who took over was a huge, overacting HAM! Talk about chewing the scenery - I'm sure she has splinters in her teeth! I saw her afterward and was going to pretend I didn't, but she called my name so I mustered up a big fake smile and told her she gave a very enthusiastic performance, for which she thanked me and said she had a lot of fun with it. Whatever.

Before the show I predicted there would be a show with time travel, a show with pioneers, and a show that features family home evening, and Kim said, "That's what they had LAST year!" Yeah, honey, that's what they have every year.

This year there was no time travel, though. There were two shows that were about Noah and the Ark, three that featured gangs of good kids opposing gangs of bad kids, and two of those used Grease-type characters. There WERE pioneers, of course.

One show used Disney songs and another used that Coolio song, Gangsta's Paradise, so it's a good thing the copyright police got stuck in traffic and didn't make it to the show.

The worst thing, apart from the bad acting, and you have to expect that, was the duet between shows, by two people with nice voices who sang a horrible, sappy, boring, love ballad, with terrible schmoopy looks on their faces as they gazed at each other. That was just painful. The MC was very bad, too, but I understand that she was drafted at the last minute, so the fact that she wasn't funny or even slightly amusing might have to be forgiven.

The best thing? All the missionaries, and there were about 8 of them present, who were pulled into one of the shows at the last minute and performed in the musical finale of that show. They were so funny! One of them was seriously trying to do a good job, and he was cracking me up! Yeah, that was good.

Just a mention of Kim here, and I don't mean to be a doting, bragging mother (no, not me...) but she was very good in her part. She was comfortable on stage, could be heard easily and did her part well. She even threw in a little impromptu dance move at the end that was appropriate and clever. Good work, bubbele!

11:09 p.m. - 2003-10-18


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