monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Thursday night/Friday morning

Well it's 3:16 in the morning and here I am awake. I woke up at 2:30 but I've killed some time eating a bowl of cereal and clicking around the internet.

I didn't get up until 2 this afternoon and I got a call from Ruthann saying she was dying for some mexican food. I had to pick up Kim and take her to foot therapy, and then Ruthann had to be somewhere after that, so she picked up the food and met me at the parking lot of the podiatrist's office, where we ate in my car while we sent Kim in to read Teen Cosmo and get her foot shocked. I don't think that makes me a bad mother.

On the way home afterward, Kim was fussing about her looks, and this has been going on for a few days, but this time one of us suggested a hair cut for her, and the more we talked about it, the more she wanted to do it. So we went back out and got about 8 inches cut off of her hair! As we were leaving the house, I asked her if she was sure, because she has pretty hair and it's really long, and she said it would grow back, so okay then. The stylist was a little unsure about cutting all that hair, too, but when she got done, Kim asked if she could make it a little shorter! So she took another two inches off, and it really does look cute. It's not short, it's collarbone length, and it makes her look taller, and older. Maybe she just needed a change.

I need to get some ends woven in and crochet the button bands on the baby sweaters I've got finished, and then I have a couple of hats to finish, and then I'm done knitting for the craft show of the damned! Oh wait, there are two socks to finish, too. But then I'm done! Maybe I'll do another scarf...

3:16 a.m. - 2003-10-24


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