monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Outside of a dog, man's best friend is a book. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx

I had three days off, and I spent quite a bit of the time sleeping, which was good, but mostly during the day, being unable to sleep at night, which was bad. Luckily I had library books to read at while staying up at night, as Kim and I went to the library Thursday evening.

Here's the bad news: The new library will be opening in our town on December 20, which would be the good news, except that it will be closed for more than a month, about 5 weeks, actually, while the books are moved from the old library to the new and reshelved. What am I supposed to do without books for a month? I read about a book a day, and sure, I can look through my old stuff and re-read books I already own, but that will get old. I can read some of Ruthann's books, but she mostly reads things like Maeve Binchy and Rosamund Pilcher. I don't read them, but I suppose I could try one. Oh, I just had a plan, but it's kind of sneaky... I could take the box of books that I've been carrying around in my car for a month, and drop it off at the collection place for the Women's Book Sale, and when I'm dropping it off, I could go through the books they've got there and sneak some out. Except someone might notice if I take out a box filled with books when I should be carrying out an empty box...

Maybe I can just go to the library and check out 40 books - one for every day until the library opens again. And if Ruthann also checks out 40, then we can swap books if we don't want to read our own, or get tired of the ones we've got.

Yeah, that's a plan. And the library will be grateful, because that's 80 less books that they'll have to move.

Knitting report:

1. Black Encore watch cap, almost done.

2. Ragg WE watch cap, just started.

3. 3 finished baby sweaters, just to need to crochet button bands and weave in ends. And sew on buttons. Yeah, they're not really finished.

4. Black cherry Opal sock #2 - no progress since last time.

5. Colori sock # 2 - no progress.

11:44 p.m. - 2003-10-26


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