monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The annual gutting of the gourds.

I started knitting a baby sweater a couple of days ago, just to do one more thing for the Craft Show of the Damned, and I've been working on it, but tonight I decided that I don't want to finish it because I don't like that yarn! I'm making it with Canadiana, a 100% acrylic yarn, and it's a nice color, very cute for a baby sweater, but ugh, it's so stiff and plastic-y, that I don't want to work with it anymore. I don't think I'll just rip it out yet, though. I might just put it in the yarn room closet and save it to finish sometime when I need a baby gift.

I started another baby sweater with some WE that was laying around, and it's much softer and pleasanter to work with. When I get home tomorrow, I want to swap needles and take the Addis out of the Canadiana sweater - I'm using a bamboo circular (size 5, of course) for this sweater, and I miss the ease of working with the Addis.

Kim had her last foot shock therapy at the foot doc's office today. He thinks she's healing well and wants her to come back in a week to see how it's going.

While I was waiting for her, I read a Time magazine that had a big article on how Americans can improve their diet. It was suggesting 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day! OMG, I realized that some days I don't have any of either! (Oooh, I meant to bring an apple to work tonight, but I forgot! Is Starburst a fruit? Because we've got a lot of those here!)

So later Rich and I went shopping. Kim was going to go with us, but at the last minute some show that she wanted to watch came on and she was undecided, and then I reached over and smoothed her hair back away from her face, and she got crabby and said that I was making her hair all fluffy and that it would fly all over with electricity, etc, so I told her to stay home and put some Humectress on the ends. I thought it was funny that she was being all girly about her hair, but apparently Rich thought we were fighting. I didn't think she was all that mad, and she just wanted to stay home anyway, and I was laughing about her being like that about her hair.

So then we went on to the store and I bought some healthy food like a sweet potato and some broccoli and brown rice and two kinds of fish. I hope Rich is happy when I make him a nice healthy dinner tomorrow.

This wasn't in the Time article, but Rich has been getting some leg cramps after working out hard in karate and I think he needs to drink more water, so I have to remember to give him some because I know he won't drink it on his own.

I have to take Kim to the church on Thursday for Trunk or Treat, and I was getting crabby and resentful about it (Rich can't go, he has karate), but then I realized that I don't have to make a Halloween car and pass out treats. I can just drop off Kim to do her part in playing games with the kids during the party, and then pick her up when it's over! Woot! So I'm not resentful now.

Oh, I forgot to mention that after much searching and sorting for the perfect pumpkin in the bin outside the grocery store, we finally bought our Halloween pumpkins tonight. (Except for those 6 little ones we bought to decorate our front steps...yeah.) Now if only someone would scrape and cut them so I don't have to touch anything slimy. Hey, what if Kim just draws a face on them with a black marker and then later I can cut them in quarters and scrape the seeds out that way? Because I like the baked seeds, but putting my hand inside a slimy pumpkin, not so much.

11:56 p.m. - 2003-10-27


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