monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Done with knitting!

It's over - I'm sick of knitting for the Craft Show of the Damned. I started two baby sweaters in the last two days and I'm going to rip out both of them and I'm done with knitting for the show.

Well, okay, maybe I'm just done knitting baby sweaters for the craft show. I have two socks to finish, and I'd still like to finish the cable sweater, but then I have the ends to weave in on all the finished things and I'm really done. Unless I make one more pair of socks...or two. Because I like making socks.

When this is over, I'm going to finish all of the sweaters that I've started that are lying in baskets around the house.

  • Nagano sweater

  • Big Surprise sweater, otherwise known as Norge 2002

  • Norwegian sweater for Scott

  • Gjenske sweater

I have some gift knitting to do for Christmas, too;

  • Gryffindor scarf

  • sweater for Bertha

  • Socks for Ruthann and Heidi

Then I can start some new stuff! I just bought two lots of yarn on eBay, and one of them came with a pattern for a fisherman-type sweater, in light and dark beige, from a yarn called Katia. It's beautful yarn and I can't wait to start knitting with it. Yeah, and all of my size 5 needles will be freed up then!

3:38 a.m. - 2003-10-29


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