monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


This is Halloween, this is Halloween...

Have I mentioned how happy I am that Ruthann joined Curves? Because I am. If it wasn't for her nagging, and dragging my sullen ass along, I would never go! I thought it was fun and exciting when I first joined, and I was happy to go, but now it's a weight of guilt around my neck, guilt because I never go, it's costing money that I can't afford to just piss away, and I need to exersize! If I didn't have Ruthann to go with, though, I would just be sitting in my chair every afternoon, knitting, reading, and talking myself out of going to Curves.

A couple of days ago, Kim started wishing she had some friends to do things with. I told her that she will have to plan some activities and invite her friends to do them - she needs to be the Activities Director! The next thing I knew, she had invited 3 friends to come over for Trick or Treating, and now two of them are sleeping over. They are in the living room, with candy and bits of costume spread all over the floor, and 3 of my (what used to be) clean pillowcases are on the floor, too, having obviously served as treat bags! They are playing video games really loud, and reading manga, (one of them brought a suitcase full!) and I just couldn't listen to them talk anymore because they are idiots, so I came to work early and let the 2nd shift operator go home a few minutes early.

One of her friends is a vegan, but not a smart one who eats things that are good for her, no, she told me she mostly eats rice, and I'm pretty sure she means white rice. She also eats uncooked Ramen noodles out of the bag. Well, I don't care because she's not my kid, but I abhor stupidity in all forms, so it's irritating. On the other hand, she did bring an angel costume complete with wings and halo to dress the cats in, and that amused me! Patsy ran off wearing the wings and I found them in my bedroom later, and Zorro was mightily pissed off when they dressed him in the halo hat and tied a superhero cape around his neck. If they're smart, they won't go to sleep while he's still awake tonight...

In knitting news, I'm working on the first sleeve of the Aquarius sweater. I got library books today, so I have something to read while I work on it, and I plan to push myself to finish those sleeves in time to offer the sweater for sale at the Craft Show of the Damned. I'm working on the second Colori sock (that's my purse knitting) and the second cotton Confetti sock is my reading-in-bed knitting. I brought another ball of the Regia Confetti yarn to work to cast on for the other sock and it will be my work knitting for a couple of days. There is a hat in my work bag to finish, too, but it just needs the top shaping done.

I went to the library and checked out a huge pile of Georgette Heyer books. Three of them are mysteries, so you know I'm excited about that! Oh boy, reading, knitting and sitting at work where it's clean and quiet. What's not to love about that?

10:54 p.m. - 2003-10-31


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