monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I (heart) the 80s

So here is a test I took today to see how many 80s song lyrics I could remember.


My score would have been better if 1. I could spell, 2. I could type better, and 3. I hadn't spent a large part of the 80s listening to classical music in an attempt to make my kids smarter. If you click on the asterisk, it will take you to the site where you can test yourself.

It's raining again today! This is a cold, rainy, typical Midwestern November, and I just wish Diana's happy Arizona butt was here to enjoy it.

Day 2 of planning to drive to Michigan this weekend finds me backpedaling on the plan, trying to talk Rich into going with me, or looking for an excuse to stay home, but now Kim is All About going to see her grandparents, so I guess we're going. Ruthann is looking at maps and planning to go with me so that she can visit a friend in Saginaw, so that makes it a little better, since she (unlike myself) enjoys driving long distances.

So on the second day, we find that I am apparently committed to this trip - my travel anxiety will be kicking in at any moment...

If Ruthann is going, and will be doing most of the driving, I should be able to make a couple of socks, thus finishing all of the sock pairs in time for the Craft Show of the Damned.

1. Fortissima Colori socks, about two inches of toe and toe shaping left.

2. Regia cotton - uh oh, I just looked at them yesterday and realized that I knitted the first two socks (the pair with the unmatched ribbing) on a larger number of stitches to compensate for the lack of stretchiness in cotton. I was up the heel gusset on the first sock, so that will have to be ripped out, and the two cotton Confetti sock mates will be my trip knitting.

I started the second Aquarius sleeve last night, and will continue to work on it tonight while I read another Heyer book at work. Did I mention that I checked out about 10 of them when I went to the library last week?

When I picked Kim up after school, she had her friend Hannah with her (GH for Good Hannah, not Hannah Hoochie) and they wanted us to take them to the pet store where GH's mother works so they could hang out there and then her mother had promised to take them to the bookstore. Kim came home with a couple of magazines and a Frodo bookmark with a cheap copy of the One Ring attached. She bought a Nintendo Power magazine, and a magazine about Carribbean Travel. Huh? I used to read Seventeen, what's with her?

Ruthann was driving and we had talked about going to Curves, but it was raining and all (therefore too cold and nasty to excercise), so we dropped the girls off at the pet store and went for Chinese food instead. Not the good Chinese, the not-very-good Chinese. It was okay, though.

Tomorrow: Day 3 of pre-trip anxiety.

4:57 p.m. - 2003-11-03


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