monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Rainy Sunday

Here's what I love about Diana; I can call her up, wake her up when she's just gone to bed, whine and complain about my life, and she just sits there going, "Oh, uh-huh, those bastards, I love you the best!" That is what makes her the best friend in the world.

I was fuming when I got home from work this morning, because Bimbolina was late again. I really would like to not get all pissy about it, but it's becoming obsessive. I don't want to be a crabby old bag who gets mad when someone is two minutes late, so I need to let go of it.

I tried to sleep but my brain was stuck in fume-mode and it went from one thing to another - I hope it's just hormones, because I don't want it to be a permanent condition - and after a few minutes I realized I couldn't make it stop, so I took some Premysin, to knock me out. Yes, you'd think that after staying up all night at work, I would pass out the minute I got to bed, but it doesn't work that way. I sat in bed, knitting and reading until I got sleepy.

When I woke up it was 3:30 in the afternoon and I could smell the pork roast cooking in the crockpot! (I put it in this morning before I went to bed.) I tore it apart with a fork and stirred in about 1/3 of a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's barbeque sauce, and we had barbequed pork sandwiches!

I still felt sleepy, so after I talked to Rachel on the phone, I went back upstairs to bed and slept a couple of hours more. I needed that!

When I woke up (Part Two), the Sunday night shows were on, and I knitted the last two inches of the first Aquarius sleeve while I watched television. Yay! I started the second sleeve before I came in to work tonight. I've got another Georgette Heyer mystery to read, and hours of quiet time to knit in, what could be better than that?


Kim tried to give me all the Tootsie Rolls in her candy cauldron, but I wouldn't take them. Was there a sale on Tootsie Rolls at Walmart? I can't believe how many she's got. I told her she can sort them out and I'll take them to work and put them in the candy bowl in the office. They'll eventually get eaten.

11:01 p.m. - 2003-11-02


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