monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


At least in Hell, I'll have an air-conditioned room

We had a nice trip to Michigan and we're happy to be home! We left after a great lunch at Joe's Crab Shack and got home about 6 p.m. I went to bed and napped for a couple of hours before work and now I'm here at work, but groggy. I wish I was still in bed!

Saturday with Inger and Sarah was fun; we went to Ann Arbor to look for yarn stores and found the Flying Sheep store, which was great. It was tidy and had friendly clerks who all sighed over us and wished they were shopping with their sisters, who are probably not as bitchy as us, because one of them reminded us to be nice to each other as we were leaving the store! Huh? We're nice!

We went to lunch, but the Japanese place wasn't open, so we went to the Mexican place down the street. I ordered the appetizer Nachos, which turned out to be a huge Nacho plate, big enough to feed all three of us! Which was good because Inger and Sarah weren't as enthusiastic about their burritos as one would like, so we all enjoyed the Nachos (NATCH-ohs in Rachel-speak).

Then we drove out to Ypsilanti to visit Dad and see Mom's headstone. Dad was relaxing in the house with his dog - the one we didn't know he had! It's a chihuahua that he rescued from the airport where my brother Ed works - apparently it's been living out there, and there were two of them, but then someone shot one, so Dad took this one home. It could not be cuter, and it hated us! That dog was practically hissing at us, and I think it would have killed us if it could.

So we went down the road to the cemetary, and the headstone is plain and tasteful, the polar opposite of every other gravesite in the Cemetary of Tackiness. Dad's name and birthdate are carved into one side of it, in preparation for the Big Goodbye, so we told him how we would decorate the site when he's gone, borrowing ideas from some of the other stones. Shiny Whirlygig things, jack-o-lanterns on the appropriate holiday, maybe one of these cement geese that wears seasonal outfits. Later, Rich suggested a gnome, and yes, it would spark things up.

So I took a couple of pictures of the stone and the tree Inger planted, and then we took pictures of each other, too. While we were there, Dad asked me to make a sweater for his little dog, and I'm pretty excited about that! Chihuahua sweaters are fun to make.

After that we headed back out to look for more yarn, and found a bigger, and very messy store in Plymouth. Ye Olde Yarn Shoppe? Yes, I think that was it. They had way too much novelty yarn for my taste, and all of the yarn was jumbled about and displayed on shelves that were every which way, so it was overwhelming. There were some very lovely yarns, though, and Sarah bought some to make a sweater for Chris. I fondled a couple of skeins that I really wanted, but didn't buy anything.

After that we went to Inger's house, which is a great house! Bob grilled Salmon for us, and he is a master griller, so it was wonderful. I was so tired by then, though, that I was dying to leave so I could go to bed.

As we left the house, we saw the lunar eclipse starting, and we kept an eye on its progress as we drove back to Ann Arbor. Rich's parents were watching it when we got there, and I lay on the couch in the den, where I could watch it comfortably through the window. I went to bed before it was over.

We went to church at our old ward in Ypsilanti this morning, and it was so great to see all the people we used to know! We stayed there, talking, for an hour after church was over! (Kim was very tired of waiting, but she didn't complain!)

Then we hurried back to have lunch and pack the car for the drive home! Whew! It's nice to be back in my own house, where it isn't HOT all the time!

12:11 a.m. - 2003-11-10


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