monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


\"Thanks for the death socks\"

Somebody turned up the heat in our office again, and I'm hot! Darn these old ladies with no circulation!

So it was a long day today, but it's over. I went to sleep when I got home from work, but an hour later I woke up again to go to the bathroom. Another hour and a half later, and the old guy next door started blowdrying his leaves right under my window! I'm seriously thinking of blowing all MY leaves into his yard while he's asleep one night, to punish him!

I got up and bitched around the house about that for a while, ate some toast and went back to bed. Only to be awakened at 2:30 by Kim screaming that a man in a ski mask was trying to break into our house!

I jumped out of bed, grabbed my glasses and started running for the stairs to save her, and then she said, oh, it's Eric. So it was Eric, her friendboy, wearing a ski mask because 1. it's cold out, and 2. he's a dork.

So after that I stayed up and went grocery shopping, and then picked up my unsold items from the Craft Show of the Damned. I sold a few things, but not enough to justify ever putting myself through that again. On the upside, I've got presents for months to come!

Rich begged me to go back to bed when we got home, but I couldn't sleep, so I got up, took a vicodan for my toothache (it comes and goes and I need to see a dentist, I know) and then sat at the computer and worked on Scott's website for a while. Finally the Vicodan kicked in and I went upstairs and crashed.

Rich woke me up at 10:30 again! I shouldn't complain, though, he said he was doing dishes and folding laundry and didn't notice the time (because he was enjoying himself so much?). So here I am, back at work, but at least I had some sleep!

Now that the craft show is over, I have some projects that have been sitting in baskets around the house that I would like to finish soon. Also a couple of projects that have been simmering in my mind for a while.

I brought Scott's vest to work tonight - I'd like to finish that and send it to him for his birthday. I'm really at a point where it could be done in a day or two of knitting, but then I remembered that I promised someone in Michigan that I'd make a pair of burial socks for her mother-in-law, so I thought I'd better get those done, since I don't know what kind of condition she's in.

It sounds funny in a dark way to be knitting burial socks, but when my mother died, her friend had called me and asked me if I would like to knit a pair of white temple socks for her to be buried in, and I made a pair of lacy anklets for her that a couple of her friends saw and admired and both of them wanted a pair for themselves. I sent them each a pair as a thankyou for all of their help and support during the funeral time, and now one of them asked me for these for her mother-in-law, and I'm happy to do them for her.

I was telling Kim the other day that it would be cool if she had a boyfriend who was in a garage band and then she could watch them practice and be "with the band", or even better, she could form her own garage band and call it Kimmie and the Banshees and I could knit her a sassy guitar strap! She was looking at me very strangely. Then Diana mentioned in her journal that her son Neil and his friends are practicing in her garage! How cool is that? Sigh. Kim doesn't play any band-type instruments, so I guess she could have a garage string quartet, but it's just not the same.

12:45 a.m. - 2003-11-16


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