monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I went home with a waitress, like I often do.

Rachel was gone when I woke up; she went to lunch with Patti. She even remembered to take back my two-day movie rental! What a good girl! She rented 4 more movies, so now we have 8 more to watch.

One of her rentals was called, "The Very Thought of You", rented because it had Joseph Fiennes in it. When we watched Sinbad yesterday, he was the voice of Proteus, and Rachel didn't recognize his name, but when she saw his picture on the Very Thought of You box, she thought he was attractive, so she brought it home. It's okay to rent a movie you've never heard of just because someone on the cover is cute! So he is very beautful and the movie was a pleasant, if forgettable, little romance.

I did a few more rows on Norge 2002, and hope to have some time to work on it tomorrow while watching movies. It's moving right along. Rachel hasn't seen me make a sweater like this before; it has traditional steeked construction, and she wasn't sure how the neck was going to work. I explained it to her, but I think she'll have to watch me do the stitching and cutting to understand how it works.


1. Opal sock #2, down to the toe shaping. I'll finish it tonight.

2. Burial sock #2, just finished the cuff ribbing, so it's barely started.

3. Norge 2002

4. Gryffindor scarf - barely working on it, but I'm on the 4th stripe. When these socks are done, I'll do more on the scarf. It's nice mindless bedtime knitting (while reading).

Temporarily abandoned:

1. Scott's Norwegian sweater - I'm thinking of finishing it for Rich.

2. Gjenske sweater. I keep calling by that name, but it's actually something else. I just looked it up and it's called Gjende. Hmm, not much difference to the English-speaking mind. I started it for Rachel 3 or 4 years ago. There's a picture of it

here. Scroll down the page to see it.

3. Nagano sweater. I don't like the color, and at one point I was going to rip out the sweater, but when I got it out and looked it, I had done about 2/3 of the body, and it seemed like a big investment of time to just rip out. So I put it back in the bag and someday I might finish it. I might do what I did with the Norge sweater, and make the sleeves before I go on with the body. They would be portable and they don't have so much of the patterned area, so they would go fast. Once the sleeves are done, the sweater would be almost finished!

1:20 a.m. - 2003-11-25


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