monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I wish I had a turkey sandwich to eat at work.

Thanksgiving Day is over and I'm back at work. The turkey was perfect, the stuffing was delicious, and Rachel put too much garlic in the mashed potatoes for subtlety, but they were good, too.

On Thanksgiving Day I slaved over the Norge 2002 sweater for 4 or 5 hours, weaving in all the ends, doing the duplicate stitching, and then I took it to Ruthann's to use her sewing machine to machine stitch the steeks. It was exhausting, and then I couldn't remember how to attach the sleeves! Finally I put it away, and went to bed at midnight.

This morning I got up and looked at Wendy's website to see how she attaches the sleeves in a Norwegian sweater, and then I was able to sew them in!

So is the sweater done? Hell, no! I picked up 145 stitches on a size 1 needles to knit the neckband, and then I need to knit a placket and sew in the zipper.

I'm insane, because I pulled out the Nagano sweater and was seriously thinking of finishing it next. It doesn't have a zipper, so it will be easier to finish! And then there is one more Dale sweater resting in the yarn room...

Oh, and the Norwegian sweater I started for Scott is sitting, abandoned in a basket in the living room.

Speaking of Scott, I got a letter from him today and he was complaining about people not brushing his cat. Could he change that broken record? Hey, the cat liked it when we got him shaved last year! Just to make Scott happy, I found the cat's brush and made Kim promise to brush him tomorrow.

1:38 a.m. - 2003-11-29


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