monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Happy Anniversary

Today is my anniversary! We've been married 24 years, and 23 of them have been happy; we had that bad year when the devil someone left a puppy in a box on our porch and we almost split up over it, but other than that, we've been happy.

So Kim is always suggesting that we do something romantic together and neither of us feels the need to act on her suggestions that we go out to dinner or a date of any kind, so all we had planned for tonight was to take Kim with us and drive around looking at the houses with their Christmas lights up.

Then we were invited by the McDonalds, Big Dave Wootwoo's parents, to go with them to see a Christmas show at the local theater, so, with misgivings, but with the desire to 1. be social and 2. be festive during the Christmas season, I said we would go with them.

The show, which is called Christmas Memories, is produced almost every year by a group that includes another family we are friends with, but we've never gone to it. Ruthann always goes and she loves it, but she likes many things that I don't, so that's not a recommendation. I thought it would be corny and heart-warming, and you know I hate to have my heart warmed!

So I took my knitting and went, not expecting to enjoy it, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a little corny and a little heart-warming, but mostly it was very, very, funny! Yay! I love funny!

When we got home, we were still going to take Kim out to look at lights, but she was already in her pajamas, reading Elijah Wood/Frodo fan fiction, and she was willing to put on a coat and come with us, but Rich and I were both Christmas-ed out, so we stayed home and went to bed early. Boy, we are a fun couple.

1:30 a.m. - 2003-12-05


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