monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Sleighbells ring, are you listenin'?

It's snowing! Monday it was raining lightly, yesterday it rained harder, last night there was a thunderstorm, it was still raining when I left work this morning, and then when I woke up this afternoon there was snow on the ground, snow on my car, snow in the air! Yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

So I called Ruthann to see if she wanted to go to Curves, because we went yesterday and there was some loose talk about going every day this week, har har, and she said she had been out to get a haircut and it was bad driving because of the rain that froze under the snow, so she didn't want to go out again. What a baby.

I had to pick up Kim from school, especially if the weather is bad, so she doesn't have to freeze on the long walk home, carrying her heavy backpack that is going to cause spinal distortion, so I read my email, drank a pop and then was going out to scrape my car and drive to the school, when what to my wondering eyes should appear...Ruthann's car was in my driveway!

I grabbed my purse and coat and went out and she said she thought she would surprise me! Well alrighty then! So we drove over the bakery where I pick Kim up every day and we waited for Kim. Suddenly I remembered that it is Wednesday and she has a harp lesson after school! She usually calls me to remind me that she is staying late so I don't panic when she doesn't come home on time because I never remember her lesson, but she hadn't called, and Ruthann said the schools were having early closings because of the weather so I called Rich on my cell to see if she had called him and as he was saying no, Ruthann said, "Oh, there's a cute hat!" and I couldn't see what she was looking at because a truck was in my way, but I said, "A cute hat? It must be Kim," and then she got closer and it was Kim, wearing a cute hat!

So now we're home and didn't go to Curves, and Kim is cooking some soup and rice is cooling for sushi, so life is good on a snowy day when we're warm in the house with the cats and some California rolls.

3:39 p.m. - 2003-12-10


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