monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Buffy feels that she is shortchanged in the walks department.

Ugh, what a day I had yesterday. I'm so glad it's over.

When I got home from work at 7, Kim was gone to school, having walked the dog before RA picked her up for seminary. She is a good girl. I took the dog out for a walk around the block in the sleet, and I was sure the school would be cancelling and sending the kids home, so I stayed up and played Turbo Solitaire at Yahoo Games, which is my second greatest pleasure in life right now. The call never came to pick up Kim, so I went to bed.

Oh, I should mention that the cats were out of food when I got home - they had been low the night before, but it was time to go to work when I saw that their bowls were almost empty and that they were out of food in the bag. Kim had mentioned that they were low on food the day before, but I mistakenly thought that "low on food" meant that there was still a little left in the bag, when apparently it means there are three individual pieces of food in the bag. That's low all right.

So when I got home, their bowls were empty, leading Zorro to parade around nervously because he gets Very Concerned when he can see the bottom of the bowl, and when they are empty he is practically weeping from worry that they will Never Be Filled Again.

I was not about to go to the store at that moment because I was tired and it was sleeting outside, so I opened two little packages of kitty treats that were in the cupboard and poured one into each bowl. Then I went to bed.

When I woke up I went shopping with RA and bought cat food, putting it into the bowls the minute I got home. The cats were happy.

Kim and I took the dog on a walk after school in which we went to visit her best friend Max so that she could play because I feel bad that she is getting what she, I'm sure, considers sub-standard walks while Rich is gone. He takes her on long walks while he listens to Audiobooks on his Walkman. I take her around the block while I call my sisters on my cell phone to complain that I have to walk the dog.

So Buffy had big fun at Max's house, and then we all came home and lay around the house like the slackers we are. I called Karin on the phone to talk about knitting Prisoner of Azkaban-style Gryffindor scarves, and then I chatted with Scott on MSN. He is all moved in to his apartment now and says he has sold out to the man by buying a cell phone.

I coaxed Kim into playing Tug of Rope with Buffy, who really wanted someone to play with her, but Kim only played for a few minutes and then went to do her homework. Buffy napped on the floor and I watched P of A while I cast on for a scarf.

Later I was sitting at the computer when I became aware that Buffy was going in and out of the room, and I turned to see what she was doing - she was bringing her toys in and setting them on the couch next to Patsy! Then I saw her nudge one of the toys closer to Patsy with her nose, as if to say, "Come on, Cat, let's play with these," but Patsy was just looking at her, like, "What the hell?" It was so cute!

When I went upstairs later, I found that a cat (I'm looking at you, Zorro) had vomited in my room, most likely from gulping all the kitty treats in a frenzy of neurotic fear that he would never eat again! I got some cleaning supplies and went to clean it up, and found that there was a puddle on my bed! UGH! I threw the top blanket into the laundry and then Kim started fussing that there had been some horking in her room, too, so apparently Zorro was punishing everyone for letting the bowls get empty. We got it all cleaned up, cursing his freaky undead self (You knew he was a vampire, too, right? Oh yeah.) and then later, I saw that Chester, who sleeps on my bed all day, had a bit of pink vomit on his side. He must have been in the path of the hurricane. He can clean himself; he's a cat.


I'm grateful that Rich will be back today to walk his dog!

Knitting report:

When I was up late last night, talking to Rachel as she drove home from a happy evening with Biscuits in St. Louis, I started knitting the fingerless gloves from the Last Minute Knitted Gifts book. This is the second project I've started from this book in two weeks, and I've got two more planned. Really, this is one of the best knitting books I ever bought.

FO! Last night at work I finished the cowl from the latest Knitty and it is beautiful. I showed it to Barb at work this morning and she loved it!

Working on sock #1 of a pair for Biscuits. They're made with Opal, in a tan/yellow/ochre pattern.

Started the P of A Gryffindor scarf.

Reading: Can You Forgive Her? by Anthony Trollope on Project Gutenberg and Since Cumorah by Hugh B. Nibley at home. I need to make a trip to the library this week.

Did I mention that I'm on vacation this week?

6:48 a.m. - 2005-01-04


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