monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


And there's really no place to go...

I woke up to big snow this morning! It started snowing last night, before I went to bed. I took the trash can out to the curb at about 8:30 and it was beginning. Then I went to bed early, because I was tired from barely sleeping this weekend while Rich was gone.

I woke up early in the morning, like 2-ish and couldn't go back to sleep so I went downstairs and looked out a window, and wow! Snow! There was quite a bit on the ground, and then the dog came downstairs and wanted to go out to potty, so I let her out and she ran out into the snow and found it wonderful! Snow!

Then Buffy woke up Rich and he took her back outside because she wasn't done pottying, and he said she didn't want to come back in, so he left her out in the back for a few minutes. Usually she starts barking after a very short time, like two minutes, but he waited and she didn't bark to come in, so he went out to get her and when he came back, he said she was just sitting on the picnic table, enjoying the weather.

Rich went back up to bed then, and Buffy followed him up and I heard him say, "Get off!", so I assumed she had jumped up on the bed, which was confirmed later when I went back to bed and my side of the bed was damp from a snowy dog!

I was just going back to sleep at 5 a.m. when the phone rang - it was the seminary teacher letting us know that seminary was cancelled because school was cancelled today. Kim was happy to hear it!

So I went back to sleep and just woke up at 10. Oh, that felt good. I have hardly slept, what with one thing and another, while Rich was gone, so I am so glad to finally get some rest. Kim was still asleep when I woke up, but I just got her out of bed at 10:30. There might not be school tomorrow; I just heard that we might get another 5 inches tonight.

I just talked to RA and we're going to the library later. I need something to read! I have the week off, and I'm not getting enough knitting done because there's nothing to read while I knit.

Last night in bed I ripped out the fingerless mitts I was making for Rachel because I didn't like the stitch pattern. I might try those again with another pattern, because I like the idea.

I'm just going to work on the socks for Biscuits today. They're mindless knitting and that will be relaxing.


I'm thankful that Rich got home ahead of the snow! He said that as he drove through Nebraska and Iowa, there were weather reports at the rest stops and he could see that he was just ahead of it.

10:40 a.m. - 2005-01-05


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