monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Thieving monkey indeed.

We made a quick trip to visit Rachel and bring back a vanload of her stuff from her apartment! Since Rich just got back Tuesday evening from the fast trip to Provo, it was a great sacrifice on his part to get back in the car and drive 5 hours to southerly Illinois. He's a good dad.

We left Kim home to take care of the (poor) dog, and she was very happy to do that, as it meant that she had unlimited playing time with LOTR Third Age and no one saying, "I'm so sick of this game! This is the most boring game in the world," because it IS boring and it does not amuse me while I knit! Could she play something that entertains me? That's not too much to ask!

So we packed quickly and left right after Rich got home from work on Friday, arriving at 11 because the trip took an extra hour what with the SNOW! Snow is rather unusual down there, according to Rachel and the waitress at IHOP, so that would explain why so many cars were off the road!

Rachel had raced home after work and packed some boxes for us to take back with us, and she made a garlicky vegetable and chicken pasta dish! We were starving by the time we got there, and it was good!

We all got up early the next morning (I woke up at about 2 and spent the rest of the night trying to amuse myself away from home while not waking up anyone else. I played Turbo Solitaire, read my book, knitted, lay down in the dark and tried to sleep, ugh, it was a long night) and went out to breakfast at IHOP, then Rachel went to work and we (Rich) packed up the car.

We stopped at Walmart to say goodbye to Rachel and buy crackers to eat in the car on the way home and then we left, arriving back home at 2:30 in the afternoon. We weren't even gone for 24 hours!

Rich and Kim carried Rachel's crap, I mean stuff, into the house while I entertained the dog by cleaning the window and the windowledge on the stair landing where she sits and puts her paws on the ledge and smooshes her nose against the glass when she is watching Rich leave for work and when she is longing for his return. She wasn't so much amused as trapped there because I wouldn't let her go downstairs, but it kept her out of the way.

Later I kept her with me in the den while they carried the stuff up to Rachel's room. Which is pretty full, by the way, and some things need to be removed to Kim's room before Rachel moves back here with the rest of her stuff on Friday.

Rich will be making another quick trip down there on Friday, poor guy, but at least he will be able to listen to his stupid thriller audiobooks in peace, with no complaints from more discerning readers of literature.

In an effort to start clearing Rachel's room, I moved her very cute entertainment center to the den to use in place of the one I have there, but she accused me (me!) of being a thieving monkey and claimed that I would never give it back. That is so not true that I am not even going to try to argue with it.


11:35 p.m. - 2005-01-09


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