monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Why my life is not so good today.

It's been raining all day, so the snow is melting and the combined rain and melting snow are running into my basement! There is a river of water running straight into the laundry room, which means that I had to get a couple of things off of the floor (a box of Christmas ornaments that I have never looked at but I keep for sentimental reasons - my mom gave me two boxes of what are probably completely crap ornaments, but I can't bear to get rid of them, even though I also cannot bear to look at them) and it means that I am going to have to do laundry like crazy tomorrow because it's all laying in water! OMG, this is so depressing; it makes me feel like I live in a tenement.

Of course Rich was late getting home from work tonight, so at 6:30 the dog really wanted to go outside to potty, and I had to walk her in the cold rain, through puddles of water and slush, some leftover ice, and occasionally through the thick, wet, slogging snow. It was horrible. I came home with my hair completely wet, my fingers were frozen, and even the legs of my pants were wet almost up to my knees. I was feeling very bitter about dog ownership.

Karin came over to help me move things around tonight in preparation for the big move this weekend. We arranged the den and then went upstairs to move the plastic storage tubs of yarn out of the yarn room so that people carrying furniture will be able to pass through that room up the stairs to Rachel's room. We toted tubs down the hall and stacked them in the corner of my room and then put all the piles of magazines, books, and patterns under the bed in the yarn room.

We also piled things on the yarn room bed, and I'm going to have to move them tomorrow, because now Biscuits will have to sleep in the yarn room as the basement room has a wet floor and I'm afraid he'll get pneumonia or hepititis if he sleeps down there. Sigh.

Karin started knitting a cute cardi with cables up the sleeves while we watched a movie, and I worked on the second sock for Biscuits. We ate frozen pizza as I still haven't had time to go grocery shopping. Good thing I have a day off tomorrow.


I'm just glad the ceiling in the cat's bathroom isn't leaking, too. If both the ceiling and the basement were wet, I would be ready for that hot bath. (Only Diana will understand that reference.)

12:10 a.m. - 2005-01-13


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