monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Roll over!

I'm not knitting anything interesting right now. The green cabled vest for PBJ is nearing completion and I will be glad to be done with it. I did the neck ribbing and one armhole this weekend, and picked up stitches for the second armhole during a dog show tonight.

Speaking of dog shows, Rachel is all about showing Buffy, so she brushed the dog today and paid careful attention when the sheepdog was in the ring during the dog show on TV.

She had been planning to go to a dog show in Wisconsin this weekend, but the big snow interrupted that plan. There is another one near Chicago this coming weekend, and we're thinking about attending that.

Rachel was working on training Buffy to Lay Down, so for the last couple of days we have been giving the dog treats and working on the Lay Down command. She is getting the idea. I'm sure a smarter dog would be laying down like crazy by now, but well, this is Buffy.

Today Kim decided that she would teach the cats some tricks, too, and she brought Patsy downstairs and tried to roll him over, thinking that if she rolled the cat over and then gave him a treat, he would associate the rolling with the treat. Patsy didn't want to roll over. At all. It was pretty funny.

12:08 a.m. - 2005-01-24


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