monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.

Every night when I come to work, I stop at the Pepsi machine in the hall outside my office to get a bottle of Diet Pepsi. We used to have the machine I called the Magic Pepsi Machine - I know I've mentioned this before - when you put in your money, it was always a surprise return - sometimes you would get your Diet Pepsi, sometimes it would be something else; a bottle of water or other soft drink, sometimes you would get nothing, and sometimes you might hit the jackpot and get two sodas!

Well, I think some people, people with no adventure in their souls, were complaining, and occasionally I would come to work and find an Out of Order sign on the machine, but I knew that could be ignored, and I would use the machine anyway. Finally the machine was replaced with a new machine, and now you can count on getting what you want every time. Every single time, you press the button for the product you want and there it is, one and only one of the soda you asked for. And that's fine, I am happy to get my Diet Pepsi reliably every time, but tonight when the Pepsi dropped down the bottom tray for me, I felt a little pang of, not disappointment, but something like it. There is no more adventure in getting a pop at work now.

The seminary parents are taking turns picking up one of the seminary kids who lives out of town and has non-member parents, so she needs a ride to seminary in the morning. She goes to a different school, too, so the seminary teacher drives her back home after class so she can catch the bus to her school, while the other seminary teacher drives the local kids to school here in town. This week is our turn to pick her up.

We had quite a bit of snow over the weekend, but most of it is cleared up now, unless you live out in the country on the back roads. Guess where she lives? Last time we had significant snow, the bishop's wife was picking her up that week, and she ended up in a ditch one morning.

So we are taking our turn, but since we have a kid to take to seminary and a dog to walk, too, Rich and Rachel are sharing the morning jobs. Rachel chose driving out to the country in a warm car rather than walking a dog in the cold, which is why I got a phone call from her this morning at 6:10 to say that she had spun out on a dirt road and was stuck in a snowbank.

She had tried to call Rich but he must have still been out with the dog when she called, so she was calling me. Like I can do anything - I'm at work! While I talked to her on one phone, I called Rich on another one and he was home by then. He packed up a shovel and some cat litter and set out to the rescue. By the time they got the car back on the road, it was too late to bother going to seminary, so Rachel dropped the girl off at her house and came home. She'll try again tomorrow.

What I'm knitting:

FO! Last night I finished the Rachel Hat, and it's so cute. I must have gotten a bit bigger gauge on the original because this is just a little too small for Rachel, but it looks good on Kim. She's planning to wear it tomorrow.

Almost finished with the green cable vest for PBJ! Just need to bind off the last row of armhole ribbing and weave in a few ends.

I'm planning to make mates for some single socks (dogs eat socks), so I pulled the yarn from the sock yarn box, and started one, but last night at work, a nurse that I've made socks for before called and asked for two more pairs. I'm going to make those this week, then back to my mate-making.

Kim started her driver's ed class today! She was reading Rules of the Road when I left to come to work.

Rich got a small package in the mail today from a bookseller, so you know I had to open it. In it was a yellowed paperback copy of a Shadow book and a receipt for 17 dollars! I IM'd him at work to ask about it, and he said it was out of print and it was his favorite one. Then he pointed out that I spend more than that on yarn! Well, yeah...


I'm thankful that I'm still at work until 7 in the morning so I don't have to drive anybody to seminary!

11:10 p.m. - 2005-01-24


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