monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Only Diana can truly feel my pain.

This is my favorite quote from this weekend:

"If you resent being called stupid... then all I ask is that you not act like such a Goddamn idiot all the time." -Penny Arcade

That just cracked me up! Isn't it just stating the obvious? And yet so many people can just not make that connection.

Oh my goodness, I am so freaking tired I could just lay down on the cement floor of my office and die. Or at least sleep for a long time. I ache all over, too. My back hurts, my hip hurts, my head, the muscles of my butt and thighs - I feel like I've been in a train wreck! Oh, and I haven't had a Diet Pepsi in about 5 days and I couldn't miss it more. You'd think without the constant caffeine drip that I would sleep more, but it doesn't seem to be working that way. I'm tired and have no personality, but I am not sleeping more. Please explain.

Oh, and here's a new complaint. I have been doing a lot of knitting on small (size one) needles, and I've noticed during the last week that when I leave work in the morning and turn the key to start the car or to open the front door of the house, that a nerve in the side of my forefinger is sensitive! I think there is a connection, but I wasn't really concerned until I noticed a tingling sensation in the fingertip of that hand this afternoon! Tingling in the fingertips! Isn't that a warning sign of incipient Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

I am going to take a rest from knitting on the small needles tonight, and also not play any computer games, and see how I feel tomorrow. I brought the yarn to start the Ribby Cardi for Kim, using size 5 needles, so that will be some relaxing knitting tonight.

I've finished one pair of the Socks for Sale, and am about halfway through sock #1 of the second pair, but the buyer is in no hurry, so it's okay if it takes a couple of days longer than I predicted. She's a nurse, too, so she understands pain problems.

Now that I've shared all of my misery, I need to go start doing some work. First I think I'll take some Ibuprofen.

12:11 a.m. - 2005-01-31


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