monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I may have to illuminate the lab reports like the Book of Kells.

Okay, you know I have the laziest job in the world, which is so perfect for me, being the laziest person alive, but one of the things that I do here is print the daily lab reports, and then later I print some financial reports, so you can see that the health of the printers is important to me. I have wrestled with the printers, cursed them, prayed over them, sweated and screamed, pounded on them... do you see the intimate relationship I have with them? Nothing makes me happier than when the printers are working perfectly and nothing makes me more miserable than when they go all wonky.

So you can understand why, when I got to work tonight to find notes on two of the three printers that say, in large letters, Don't Use, I started swearing. I need those printers, people! There are three printers, two old ones and a new one, and when they are all working, I use all of them at once and get things done ! For the last couple of weeks, one of the old printers has been down, so I've been getting along on two, but now both of the old ones are down! Both of them! This just makes my ass ache. This is going to involve so much loading and unloading of big boxes of paper...ugh, I can't even think about it.

It's a bit scary to think about, but the third printer, the one that is working, is usually the one that has problems and has to be repaired. I'm relying on the unreliable printer! If it goes down, well, I'll probably have to write the reports by hand! Like one of those monks who spent years hand-lettering the Bible! Good thing I have a calligraphy marker in my purse.

So today Karin (and her boyfriend, who has the same name as my husband, so I have to call him something else - he's Wickham now) came over and brought Kelly's baby. I haven't seen the Pretty Pretty Baby in several months, like since Diana was here in October, I think, and she is still pretty and Buffy loves her so much!

I knew they were coming so I bought Cheese Nips when I was shopping, because babies love Cheese Nips, and dogs love babies with Cheese Nips. So she ate crackers, and fed crackers to Buffy, who is so gentle, and lovingly licks the baby's fingers when she takes the crackers out of them. It's precious.

Rachel spent the whole day working on an application to a nursing school in St. Louis, including writing two essays and filling out lots of stuff. Today was the last day to apply, you see. She has to re-apply to the other school she applied to, because she accidently applied for the wrong semester and they are insisting that she has to apply all over again for the right semester. So that's fun for her.

I have to go start printing things now. It's going to take all night.

11:57 p.m. - 2005-01-31


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