monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Dogs smell when they are wet.

I came in to work an hour early tonight so Barb could leave. She has to come back to work at 7 in the morning, so she is sleeping in a room upstairs instead of driving home. I don't mind. By the end of my three-day weekend, I am almost eager to get back to work. I get bored at home, since it's not like Kim or Rich do one darn thing to entertain me.

I had three movies from Netflix to watch, but Rachel is out of town, visiting Biscuits and going to a friend's wedding, and I couldn't watch any of them without her. One of them is Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which I ordered at her request - you know I don't want to watch it! Also Elf, another of Rachel's requests, but I saw it on a demo TV at Walmart and watched it for a few minutes and it was kind of amusing, so I'm willing to watch it, but probably only once. Therefore I couldn't watch that one this weekend, either. Lastly, I have Nashville, one that I ordered for Rachel's benefit, and again, I don't really want to watch it twice, so there's another one I have to wait on. Geez. Do you see why I didn't mind coming back to work tonight?

It's been warm here and the snow is melting, but there was lots of it, so it isn't gone yet. Then tonight it started raining, so it's wet, snowy, icy and generally nasty and the dog wants to take a walk but comes back all wet and stinky and tracks in mud. Of course, all this water on the ground is making my damn basement wet.

Our house is such a pit. There is something wrong with the electrics in the kitchen, too. The ceiling lights keep blinking out. They used to come back on again, but the one over the breakfast nook stays out all the time now and the one in the middle of the room is mostly staying off except when Rich jiggles it. I kind of wish I was married to a man who can fix things.

Yeah, so it sucks to be me this weekend.


I am thankful that Opal yarn has enough yardage in the ball to knit a third sock from the leftovers when your big wet smelly dog has eaten one of the original pair.

10:30 p.m. - 2005-02-06


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